Page 76 of Polly

Chapter 25


Polly watched Flynn perform from backstage. In person, the current felt even more electric than the streamed shows she’d watched. The beat of every song hummed through her body, and she moved and sang to all of them.

Mid-set, Flynn gestured to Will and spoke into the microphone. A quick glance backstage at her revealed his plan.

He said, “How about it, everyone? Tonight, we have a special guest backstage. Maybe if you’re really nice, she’ll come out and sing for you.”

The crowd cheered wildly. A chant of her name began.

Right as Polly wondered what was happening, a roadie ran up and handed her a guitar and onstage earpieces, which would protect her ears from the roar of the crowd. She swung the guitar strap over her shoulder, put in the earpieces, and walked onstage. The roar and whistles of the crowd grew impossibly louder.

She approached Flynn and spoke into his stand-up microphone. “It’s a good thing it was me or y’all would have felt awful silly.”

The chant of her name grew even louder.

Flynn put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Thank you. I’m sorry to put you on the spot. I thought this would be fun.”

Polly kissed him and the audience went insane.

Flynn chuckled. “Thanks for clearing up any speculation. That officially announced us as a couple to the public.”

“That’s okay with me.”

“Good.” Flynn squeezed her ass. “Do you know how to play Mine?” he asked.

Polly nodded. “Yes.”

“Awesome. Let’s play that. I’ll sing with you.”

Flynn ran around the stage and told his band the plan. When he was done, he stepped back to his microphone and said, “We don’t play this song live very often, so you are in for a rare treat. Also, please forgive us if we’re rough because this is a surprise. We’re winging it and haven’t rehearsed. Polly and I are going to sing a duet for you.”

The crowd cheered and cell phone cameras were raised to capture the moment.

They played and sang the band’s heart-wrenching duet beautifully, with only a few minor mess-ups. When the song ended, Polly bowed, kissed Flynn, and ran offstage.

She handed the guitar to a waiting roadie, then stood by the curtains to watch the rest of the show.

Late Nyght Smoke rocked their set and had the crowd chanting after their last song.

Polly high-fived each of them and congratulated them on a great show as they came offstage.

Flynn handed his guitar off for safe keeping then set his sights on Polly. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her. He picked her up in a hug and spun them in a circle.

“Great show,” she said as he sat her on her feet.

“Thank you. You did fantastic on Mine.”

His eyes flicked to her lips. She licked them in anticipation. Flynn leaned in to kiss her, but before their lips touched, Diesel, the bodyguard, stepped forward. With his buzz cut blond hair and an eagle tattoo on his forearm, Diesel screamed former military.

“Sorry,” he said. “Polly, we have to leave in ten minutes for our flight.”

“Okay, thanks,” she said.

Diesel nodded and walked away.

Flynn hugged her close and pressed his forehead to hers. “I don’t want you to go,” he said.