“I don’t want to go either.”
He sighed. “Only a few more shows. We’ve got this.” He kissed her. “Thank you for going public with our relationship. It means a lot to me.”
“You thank me now. Wait till we hear from PR tomorrow. They’ll be pissed that they weren’t involved.”
Flynn chuckled.
“They’ll lecture. I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me,” he said. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He hugged her tight. “Thank you for coming to the show. I enjoyed spending the past couple of days with you.”
“Same. Chin up. It won’t be long until we can be together every day in New York.”
Flynn growled. “Right. And then maybe next year we’ll tour together and not have to worry about separation.”
“I hope.”
“I’m working on Miguel. You work on Paige. We’ve got this.” He kissed her temple.
“We’ve got this.”
Chapter 24
Polly knocked on door 301.
Ryker sent a bodyguard to drive her to the hotel. She’d asked him to wait in the car and he’d ignored her request, but at least he’d waited in the lobby.
She stood alone in the hallway in front of Flynn’s door.
After a minute, the door opened, and Flynn appeared in front of her.
“Polly?” he asked. He stared at her like he wasn’t sure it was really her.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course, please.” He stepped aside to let her in.
She stepped through, and the door closed behind her. She turned to face Flynn. He watched her anxiously, like he wasn’t sure how she would act. He leaned back against the wall and pressed his hands flat behind him as he watched her.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I should have listened to you.”
“No, I’m sorry,” he whispered. “The first place your mind jumped when something happened was the possibility that I’d done it. I obviously did something wrong if you doubt me.”
What? No.
She shook her head and said, “It’s not you. You’ve been great. But I’ve had so much self-doubt since Grady. I’ve felt like damaged goods. Like no one could want me.” She blinked back tears.
Flynn scoffed, but didn’t move from his spot against the wall. “Not true.”
“I know.”
“I was a shitty friend and even shittier boyfriend if you ever believed that. Nothing could be further from true.”
She hated that he would take the blame like that when it was clearly her fault. He’d done nothing wrong.