“Sure, Angel.” He walks to the fridge as I place the lasagna and bread on the table. Walker grabs the salad and our drinks and takes the seat across from me. “This looks good.” He takes his first bite and groans, making me so happy that he's enjoying it. “This is the best lasagna I've ever eaten.”

We make small talk as we eat, getting to know each other more. Telling me about his time in foster care and being in the army, and I tell him about my mom and the life I've had. He breaks my heart by telling me I was the first person ever to love him, and I know at that moment I will make sure he knows every day that he is always loved and wanted. He has two pieces of lasagna practically inhaling his food.

After he’s finished eating, I go to get up and clear the table, and he stops me with his hand on my arm. “You sit and relax; let me clear the table.” He places a kiss on my forehead and takes the dishes to the sink, rinsing and putting them in the dishwasher. The whole time I'm watching his ass in his jeans and the way they mold his perfect bubble butt. I'm brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, knowing it's more than likely my mom since I haven't talked to her today. I pick up my phone and see it's a FaceTime call hitting accept.

“Hi, Momma. How are you doing?” Seeing her face makes me miss her all the more. Knowing a visit needs to happen soon.

“Hi, baby girl. Who’s that behind you? Oh my god, is that Walker? James, get in here. Walker is at Kennedy’s.” My mom is screaming at James to get into the living room while I watch her do a happy dance on the couch, and I can feel my face going red from embarrassment. I can hear Walker laughing from the kitchen. He walks over to me, placing a kiss on my head and sitting beside me until you can see his face on the phone. Once they are both situated, I make the introductions.

“Momma and daddy, I’d like you to meet Walker. Walker, this is my mom Lillian and my dad James.” Both Walker and James do a double-take as if they know each other.

“Sergeant Carson?”

“Walker Cruz?” They both let out a laugh.

I look at Walker as mom looks at James. “You guys know each other?”

“Angel, your dad was my sergeant in the army until I got out.”

“Wow, small world.”

“I'm so happy for you, Kennedy. We will have to plan a trip down soon. I have some vacation time coming up at the hospital.”

“I would love that I miss you guys so much.”

“Are you taking care of our girl, Cruz?” James has a fierce look on his face as he looks right at Walker. Blood might not relate us, but he is my dad in every sense of the word. He is always there for me for whatever I need.

“You bet, sir. You don’t have to worry about a thing. I love her and will always take care of her.” They both look at each other, not breaking eye contact until dad nods his head, and he seems satisfied that Walker is telling the truth. Yet mom and I have tears in our eyes from what Walker said.

“Alright, baby girl, I will let you get back to your night. I will call you tomorrow. Good night, guys. We love you.”

“Love you guys, too; good night.” Momma blows a kiss and hangs up.

I place my phone on the table and turn to Walker. “I can’t believe you know my dad. You know he is going to give you all kinds of hell, more so now that he knows you.” I can’t help but laugh because it’s true he always said no one is good enough for me.

He shakes his head, laughing. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from him. When we have a daughter, I'm going to be the ‌same way no one is going to be good enough for my baby girl. But I didn’t know James had any kids.”

“My dad died when I was a baby and it took mom a long time to even think of dating anyone. As soon as James saw her, that was it. He said he loved her from the first meeting and told her he would wait a lifetime for her to be ready. He is the best dad. Anything I need and he would be there for me. This is actually his house. When I told him I was moving here, they came up and showed me the house and he told me it’s now mine. I didn’t know what I was missing until he came into my life.” My throat clogs with emotion, just thinking of all he's done for me. He really is a great dad. Walker pulls me close to his side, kissing the top of my head. I close my eyes at the feeling of being in his arms.

“I'm sorry about you losing your dad, Angel, but I'm glad you have James in your life now. He's a good man. Kicked my ass a few times in boot camp.” He laughs at the memory. Maybe one day he will share his time there. I know from experience you don't push someone who's lived that type of life.

Now it's left me wondering what happened to his parents. I look up at him, opening and closing my mouth. “I can see the questions in your eyes. You want to know about my family?” He gives me a small smile.

I place my hand on his chest over his heart. “You don't have to, Walker, if you don't want to talk about it.”

He gathers me closer until I’m in his lap. “I don't mind talking about it, but it's not a pretty story. My mother wasn't the loving and carrying type. Sure, she had her moments when she wasn't high as a kite. But she did the bare minimum of raising me. I would go to school always hungry because she spent all her money on drugs. My clothes weren't the best, and my teachers noticed something wasn't right. They had CPS come and do a wellness check because they were worried about me, and that's when they saw all the drugs on the table. The cops showed up, and they took me away from her. I bounced around a few times from different foster homes, and once I aged out and graduated from high school, I joined the army. I never knew my dad, and after I got out, I found out my mom had died of an overdose.” My heart breaks for the little boy who had to go through that. Walker wipes my face free of tears I didn't even know had fallen.

“I'm so sorry, Walker, that you had to have that life. No child should live that way.”

“Don't cry for me, Angel. That part of my life is long over. When I first saw you, is when I felt what love really feels like. You are my light, my shining star, and I'm never letting you go.”

I get up to my knees and straddle his waist, looking him in the eyes. “Every day, you will know how much I love you and that I will always love you. You will never have to walk alone again because I will always be by your side. I love you, Walker.”

He pushes my hair behind my ear and caresses my face tenderly. “I love you too, Angel.” Leaning in, he places a sweet, slow kiss on my lips, our love pouring out. He's so tender in how he handles me, as if I'm made of glass. But the way I'm sitting, and how massive he feels under me, I don't want tenderness. I want him to lose all control. I slide forward a little, and that slight friction has me moaning, so I do it again until he grabs my hips and stills me, making me whine.

He pulls back to look at me, seeing the heat in my eyes. “If you are not ready for anything, we should stop. We can watch a movie if that's what you want. We will always go at your pace.”

That's not what I want at all. I want him so badly it's burning me alive. I may be inexperienced, but what I ‌know is I want Walker something fierce. Before I chicken out, I tell him exactly what I want. “Take me upstairs, Walker. Make me yours.”