God, I love those girls. In the ‌time I've been at Naughty Beans Cafe, they have become my family, and now I'm dying to hear the story with the kids in the kitchen. It can’t be that bad, can it? I finish making my coffee just as I'm taking the first sip; there's a knock on my door. Wondering who it could be since Walker won't be here for another few hours. I walk towards the door, seeing a delivery person standing there. He must have the wrong house because I know I didn’t have anything ordered. I open the door and see what he wants, and in his hands is the most beautiful flower arrangement.

“Delivery for Kennedy.”

“That's me.” He hands me the flowers, and even without looking at the card attached, I know who they are from. “Thank you.”

“Have a good day, ma’am.”

I close the door after he leaves, walking back into my kitchen placing the flowers on the island. They are a beautiful arrangement of tulips, which are my absolute favorite. There is one red tulip that is associated with true love. Tears spring to my eyes at the significance. I don't even know how he knew these were my favorite. I pick up the card with shaky hands and open it.


I can't wait till I get to see you later and get to hold you in my arms where you belong.

All my love


I can't stop the tears of joy even if I wanted to. The way I'm feeling right now is something magical. This is all so new and exciting. I never want it to end. People might think we are moving way too fast, but when you know, you know, and my heart screams that it only wants Walker for the rest of our lives. I know after tonight, it will forever change my life. I want him in my space permanently, never wanting him to leave. After wiping my eyes dry, I head to my bedroom to get ready. Walking into my room it brings me a measure of peace. The walls are light grey with a black queen-sized bed and white accent furniture. The massive walk-in closet and spa-like bathroom are a bonus as well. I walk into my bathroom and apply a light amount of makeup. Some mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss while throwing my hair up into a bun. After changing out of my shirt and into an off-the-shoulder sweater, I dab a little perfume on and decide if I don’t walk out of my room now, I'm going to change again. My nervous are kicking in, knowing he is going to be here soon.

I walk back down the stairs just as the doorbell goes off, making me suck in a breath. And I know this time it’s Walker. I don’t even have to open the door to see. It's as if my body already knows he standing on the other side, sending butterflies to take flight. I walk to the door and blow out a breath with my hand on the doorknob, and open it wide. Walker is leaning against the door with a big smile on his face and a black duffel bag in his hands. He drops the bag, picks me up, and I wrap my arms and legs around him, breathing him in.

“Hi, Angel. I missed you.” He places kisses on my neck, breathing in my scent, holding me tight.

I melt into him. If I were a cat, I would be purring right now. “I missed you too, Walker. Thank you for the flowers; they are beautiful.” I pull back so I can look him in the eyes, and mine zero in on his lips, wanting to kiss him so badly right now.

“You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. Get used to it, Kennedy, because I plan to spoil you. I didn’t get a damn thing done today. It's why I'm here early. All day, I've thought of nothing but wanting to kiss you again.” He growls out against my lips, and I can feel how hard he is already. He walks us inside until the door is closed and my back is to the door, shutting out the world.

I lean in closer to him till there is only a sliver of space between us until we are breathing the same air. “Then what are you waiting for? Kiss me, Walker, don't make me wait.” He needs no more prompting after that. He slams his lips on mine, stealing my breath. His kisses burn me from the inside out, consuming my soul. He bites, licks, and sucks, and all I can do is hold on and let it consume me. He's burning me alive, and only he's able to put out this fire of want and lust. My panties are toast at this point. He pulls back the both of us, breathing heavily as he lays his forehead against mine.

“Fuck, even better than what I remembered.” He growls out, placing a lingering kiss on my forehead before sliding me down his body, making us both groan at the feel.

I walk on wobbly legs towards the kitchen and head for the fridge, and I can hear Walker chuckling at the sight. “Do you want a beer?” I open the fridge and pull out two of them, handing him one. I think I need one to cool myself off.

He twists the top off of mine and his, handing me mine back. “Thank you. What is that amazing smell?” I watch as he takes a sip, and even that is sexy to me. I need to get a grip before I say screw dinner; let's just get to the fun stuff. I shake my head at my thoughts and answer him.

“I made lasagna, fresh bread, and have a salad as well. With a chocolate cake for dessert. I hope that’s okay.” Taking the lasagna out of the oven to set. I already have the table set as well. I wanted to be prepared.

“Lasagna is one of my favorites, so I'm definitely okay with that. How was your day, Angel? Did you get to relax like you wanted to?” He takes a seat at the island, watching me.

I can feel my face going red because how do I tell him my mind was only on him today and nothing else? All I want to do right now is tell him how I'm feeling and how much I love him, but I'm scared. What if I say it and he isn't there yet? You know what? Screw it, I'm just going to tell him how I feel, not wanting to hold back; I want to jump in with both feet and heart. I open my mouth and just let it all pour out, hoping he feels the ‌same way I do.


Procrastibaking: The art of making cupcakes instead of doing something else you should be doing.

I blow out a breath and square my shoulders back, shoring up my courage to just let it all out. He grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze, sending me a blinding smile, and all my fears are gone just like that because I know deep down he feels the same way as I do. “I got little done today, as my mind has been on other things. Since I woke up this morning, I have thought of nothing but you. It seems you're all I can think about. If I'm being honest, you're all I've thought about since the moment I saw you in the cafe that first time. You consume my every thought and feeling. Last night when you kissed me, it felt like I was home, that you are my home. When I'm in your arms, it's become one of my favorite places to be, knowing that I'm safe and secure in the arms of the man that I love.” I think I surprised us both with what I said. Never knowing I had it in me to let all those emotions out and for it to feel so right.

I can see so many emotions swimming in his eyes right now. I watch as he gets up, rounding the island until he's crowding me up against the counter. He grabs my face in his hands until I'm looking into his eyes. “Say it again, Angel.” He growls out against my lips.

I lick my too dry lips and swallow hard, my emotions running rampant while my heart is beating out of my chest. No doubt he can hear it. “I love you, Walker Cruz, with all my heart and soul. You are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are my home. I know people might think this is too fast, but I don't care. I want you in my space daily; the thought of you leaving after tonight hurts my heart.”

He presses his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment, and when he opens them, they are showing so much heat and love. “You, Kennedy, are my whole fucking world. I love you, Angel, and I would have waited a lifetime for you to be ready. Fuck what people think. What matters is you and me, and you bet your sweet ass I will be staying with you tonight. Last night, I couldn't sleep for shit. I need to be near you to make sure nothing happens. I want to see you with my ring on your finger, so every fucker knows you're mine. Carry my babies however many you want. One lifetime with you will not be enough. I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to you. I want eternity with you. Wherever you go in life, I will follow. I love you, Angel.”

I couldn't stop the tears even if I wanted to. All my life, all I wanted was to be accepted for who I am, for someone to find me to be perfect in their eyes and to love me. Walker wipes my tears away and places a gentle kiss on my lips. This kiss isn't hurried or about us trying to get off. It is one full of passion and love burning me from the inside out until all I can feel is him. He pulls back and kisses my forehead, letting his lips linger. My stomach takes that moment to interrupt and lets out the biggest growl I've ever heard. I guess that's what I get for not eating today.

I can feel my face go red in embarrassment and can hear Walker chuckling at me. “Let’s get you fed before your stomach eats you instead.”

I smack his chest and can't help but laugh. My heart is so happy right now. I walk out of his arms and cut the lasagna and plate us with an enormous piece each. “Can you grab the salad out of the fridge for me?”