When he declared this was our first date with a lifetime of more to come, I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest with excitement and now, I'm sitting across from him at the dinner, waiting for our food to come out. I feel like at any moment I'm going to wake up and this has all been a dream and if it is, I never want to wake up. He hasn't taken his eyes off me once since we sat down. It's not in a creepy way, just an intense way, as if he can see and hear my every thought. Every time I look into his eyes, I can see our future together. Sitting across from him, I can see his tattoos up close. They run up both arms and peek out from his chest, making me want an up-close and personal view of them tracing a path with my tongue. I squirm in my seat, just thinking about it, when he grabs my hand, making my body shiver from just that one touch.

He gives my hand a squeeze, making me lookup. “Kennedy, I don't want you to be scared of me. I would rather cut off my ‌arm before I let anything happen to you. I want to get to know you. After I got out of the army, I was lost and didn’t know which way to go until I got on my bike and just drove with no proper direction in mind. I landed here and found a place to call home for the first time in my life. The moment I saw you in the Cafe, I knew you were going to be mine. I just had to get you to see the real me. If I'm being honest with you, I more than like you, Angel. I want you to be mine in all ways.” He swallows hard, and I can see a little vulnerability in his eyes as he tells me how he feels, and it gives me the strength to do the same.

This is the moment that will either make or break this before it even has started. I no longer want to be on the outside of love; I want to embrace it with both hands and never let go. Walker is who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, and it will always be him; no other man will compare. I blow out a breath and pour my heart out to him. “Walker, I was never scared of you. What I feel for you is what scares me a little, the way it hit so hard and fast I didn’t know what to do with it. I never thought I would have this chance with you I'm getting now. Whenever you came in, I couldn’t even string two words together for fear I would blurt out how I felt. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I more than like you, Walker, and I would love nothing more than to be yours in all ways.” I watch as a beautiful smile graces his face.

He places kisses on the back of my hands. “I'm fucking glad, Angel. I'm making you a promise right now. Your every hope, want, or dream you have, and I will make sure you have it. The world is yours, and I plan to give it to you. Just tell me what you want, and you can have it.”

He is going to make me cry with all these emotions I'm feeling. I’m so damn happy right now. I never thought in a million years I would sit across from him, telling him how I feel. “Just you, Walker. That's all I need to be happy.” It’s true I need nothing except his love; everything else is just material.

“You have me, Angel, all of me.” He sends me a wink, and I catch his double meaning, and it makes my panties wet just thinking about it. Just then, the server comes over and drops our food off for us, the smell making my stomach rumble loud and my face going red in embarrassment.

Walker chuckles at hearing the sound. “Eat, Kennedy, and we can talk more later.” He doesn't have to tell me twice.

I pick up my bacon cheeseburger and groan; the taste is that good. I'm not one of those shy eaters who will only eat a salad on a date; that's just not who I am. I devour my food until I leave nothing on my plate. I sit back, groaning at how full I am. Now that I've gotten something to eat, my body feels even more tired. Seeing how tired I am, Walker pays for dinner, and I cover my mouth as I yawn.

“Let’s get you home and to bed, Angel; you've had a long day.” He places a kiss on my forehead and carries me to his truck, and helps me in again, buckling me in. I tell him the directions on how to get there, and by the time he pulls into the driveway, I'm almost asleep.

Walker shuts the engine off and hops out, coming around to my side, opening my door for me. I turn in my seat, and he grabs me around the waist, picking me up and sliding me down his body oh so slowly, and I can feel every hard ridge of him waking me up instantly. I sway in his arms at the feeling, making me dizzy with lust until he grabs me around the waist and pushes me flush against him, steadying me. He gives me a lopsided smile and walks me to my door. I dig my keys out of my purse and turn towards him, debating asking him to come in. I don’t want this night to end just yet. When I look up at him, I see him zero in on my lips with a hungry look in his eyes, and I know mine reflects the same thing. My heart is beating so loud and fast I'm sure he can hear it.

“I'm going to kiss you now, Kennedy. If you don't want me to, now is the time to tell me.” He growls out, almost touching my lips.

I sway even closer, if that's possible. No way am I passing up this chance to get his lips on mine. “Kiss me, Walker.”

“Thank Fuck.” He whispers against my lips.

He kisses me softly, just a sweeping of his lips on mine. I let out a little whimper, and that's when he loses all control; he grabs my face and lets loose. I drop my keys and bag on the floor. I forget everything except Walker and me at this moment. This kiss is one of claiming to show me he's all alpha male and taking complete control. Licking the seam of my lips, I open up for him, tentatively touching my tongue to his until he's sucking mine in his mouth, making my knees buckle. He nips, licks, and sucks. He lifts me up by my ass, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he backs me into my front door. Thank God I'm the last house, and no one can see me from where I stand on my porch; otherwise, my neighbors would get a free show right now. I can feel his dick hitting me in the right spot, making me moan out loud. Already I can feel an orgasm barrelling down on me, and it's not going to take much more to send me over. I tear my lips from his, sucking in much-needed air. I dig my nails into his shoulder and hold on to him.

He grinds me against his dick harder and faster, and from what I can feel, he is massive. “That's right, Angel, rub that pretty pussy against me.” He leans down, leaving biting kisses on my neck. And I know by tomorrow, I'm going to be seeing his mark.

He bounces me once, twice, and that's all it takes for me to free-fall into my orgasm until I'm seeing stars. “Walker.” I moan out, and he silences my loud cries with a hot as hell kiss.

We both pull back, panting, as he places little kisses all over my face, just holding me. I look into his eyes, and his are showing his emotions, and I can feel my face going red at what we just did. I can see a twinkle in his eyes, making me narrow mine.

“Don’t get all shy on me now, Angel.” He laughs out.

Which just makes my face go even redder. I shake my head at him, smiling, and roll my eyes. “Shut up.” Maybe one day, I won't always go red every time he's around. He gathers me in his arms again, and I love this feeling of being held in his arms that I never want to leave them. He radiates safety and love.

“What are you doing tomorrow? I want to see you again.” He asks against my head, and I'm pretty sure he's sniffing me.

“I'm off tomorrow, so I plan to do nothing but to relax and catch up on my shows. Did you want to come over for dinner?” Wanting nothing more than to ‌spend as much time with him as I can. This is all so new and exciting.

“I have to work for a few hours tomorrow, but I'll be over after. I just have to stop by my place to change first. Alright, Angel, I'm going to head out even though I don’t want to leave you. I will see you tomorrow. I'll text you. Make sure you lock up.” He places one last kiss on my lips, and it is over way too quickly.

I get my front door opened and turn to look at him one last time before I close the door. “See you tomorrow, Walker,” I whisper out, closing the door and leaning against it.

As much as I wanted to invite him in, I knew I needed time to process everything that's happened tonight. I'm still floating on a cloud. It still feels unreal to me that Walker is really mine, and he has the same feelings that I do. Walking into my bedroom, I jump in the shower and get ready for bed. I turn my tv on for background noise and get into my bed, snuggling under my blankets until I hear my phone vibrate; reaching over, I see it's a text from Walker.

“Good night, Angel. Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Walker. I can’t wait.”

I place my phone back down and close my eyes. That night, I fall asleep with a smile on my face, knowing I'm getting to see him again tomorrow, that I no longer have to hide just to get a glimpse of him. Walker is finally mine.


Sometimes you just need to eat a cupcake with lots of frosting and get over it.

Since I woke up this morning, I couldn’t take the smile off my face. Nothing will ever bring me down with how I'm feeling. I tried to watch my shows and catch up on my reading, but I couldn't concentrate long enough, as all my thoughts were on Walker. He sent me a good morning text telling me he missed me already and he couldn’t wait to see me again. This is all so new and exciting. I feel like a giddy teenager, and her popular crush likes her back. I've been floating on cloud nine since last night and the excited feeling I have knowing he will be here later tonight. All morning I've been obsessing about what I'm going to make, so after making a stop at the grocery store, I decided on my famous lasagna, fresh bread with a salad. I called my mom while I was at the store to get her thoughts on what to make and told her Walker was coming over and that we were now together. She was so happy for me and can't wait to meet him. I have beer chilling in the fridge and a chocolate fudge cake for dessert.