Besides my love of baking, I’m an excellent cook as well. Being in the kitchen is when I find the most peace. When people try something I make, I love seeing their faces. I kind of want to impress him tonight, and I'm really hoping he spends the night with me. I want to feel his arms wrapped around me while I sleep. Last night changed everything for me in more ways than one. Getting off on him just by rubbing against him has set my body ablaze. My skin feels tight, as if it needs something else, and I have a feeling only he can put out this fire. I want him like I need my next breath. Every time I think about it, it makes my panties wet. I don’t want to wait or hold anything back. Moving this fast should scare me, but I know in my heart and soul he is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. The heart wants what it wants, and it wants all of Walker Cruz, knowing with everything that I am; I love him. I want to marry him, have babies, grow old and grey, watching our own kids take on the world.

Looking around my house, I can see us with our own family. Little ones running around in the backyard while Walker builds them a playground. Making love on every available surface, watching the sunrise wrapped in each other’s arms. All the laughs and good times with family and friends. I shake my head out of my thoughts before I spend the rest of the day thinking. There are a few things I need to do before he arrives. I get up and make another coffee when I hear my phone going off with an incoming text, getting all excited inside, thinking it's Walker again. Even though he should be working, we've been texting all day. It’s the girls and our group chat; they added me to it when I started working at the cafe, making me feel so wanted.

Lady Beans Group Chat:

Rhylie: Hey, Ladies. We need a girls' day soon. I love my kids, but holy shit, they are giving me grey hair some days.

Skylar: I'm so down, and I hear that about the kids.

Faith: I love Mason, I really do, but I need a girls’ day from him. If he doesn’t stop this prank war with everyone, I'm going to shave his eyebrows off while he is sleeping. (joke lol)

Isabella: He should give it up at this point; it’s just sad now. But a girl's day sounds so good.

Kennedy: We can have it at my place this time. I can watch the kids anytime you need a break if you guys want. It would be fun having them all over, and we could even bake.

Rhylie: Noooooooo!

Faith: Never let them in the kitchen together to bake.

Skylar: That’s really sweet of you to offer, but trust us, you don't want to do that.

Isabella: Shudders. I still have nightmares from that day.

Kennedy: Umm, I feel like I'm missing something. Lol.

Rhylie: We will tell you the story when we have girls' day; it requires lots of alcohol. So Kennedy, a little birdie, told me ‌you and Walker are now a thing. Spill it, girl; I want all the details.

Faith: By birdie, do you mean your husband lol?

Rhylie: Whatever!

Kennedy: My car wouldn’t start last night after I closed. Walker came to my rescue, then took me to dinner. He told me how he felt about me, and I grew a pair and told him I felt the same. He’s coming over tonight for dinner. I love him and plan on telling him I don’t want to hold anything back.

Isabella: I'm so happy for you, girl.

Faith: <3 Yay!!

Skylar: You guys make a beautiful couple.

Rhylie: Happy dance. Don’t you just love, love. I knew you guys would be perfect for each other. And I can't wait till I get to plan your wedding; it’s going to be perfect.

Kennedy: Thank you, girls <3. WAIT, WHAT WEDDING?????

Faith: Don't fight it Kennedy It’s just easier if you just go with Rhylie's crazy ways.

Skylar: So true, lol.

Isabella: Trust us, lol.

Rhylie: Whatever, I’m awesome and you know it. We will see you tomorrow, Kennedy, and I want details. <3

Kennedy: Bye guys, I’ll see you tomorrow. <3

Faith: See you tomorrow. <3

Isabella: You've got this. <3

Skylar: Love ya, girls.