Page 14 of Smokey

I clear my throat, not one to back away from a fight, especially when I'm being accused of something I haven't done.

I say, "And who exactly have I cheated on you with? When if I'm not with you or at work, I'm with the little girl who loves you." He flinches. I narrow my eyes. "And next time you call my daughter a brat, Jonny, I'll castrate you."

He flinches again at me using his given name while the woman next to him sneers at me.

Rose steps forward. "My daughter-in-law here has video proof of you with your daughter's father looking all cozy, so don't try to lie. Now do as my son Smokey asked and get your lying, cheating ass off club property. And take the spoilt brat with you before I drag you out by your hair. Patch chasers are not welcome here."

He's married? Like, has a wife?

What the….

Anger shoots through me as I question, "You're married?"

His mother grins wide along with the beauty next to him, who I'm now guessing is his wife, but he ignores my question like he hasn’t been cheating all this time.

He sneers at me. "Fucking leave now before I let Momma do as she threatened to."

When I don't move quick enough, he booms, "Now! I don’t want to see your cheating ass fucking face again!”

April screams in terror, placing her head into the crook of my neck, her little body shaking, making my anger burn all the hotter.

Call me all the names under the sun, even threaten me, but no one—and I mean absolutely no one, upsets my girl.

Guilt shows on his face before he hides it, the women around us flinching at seeing my girl's distress, and I take a deep breath, not wanting to traumatize her anymore. Very gently, I smooth my hand up and down my girl's back before I make eye contact with him. He winces at the look in my eyes.

Gone is the girl who gave him her heart and, in her place, a very pissed-off mother.

I give him a nod, not willing to even speak to him—speak to any of them. I grip the silver bracelet he gave me last month with his and my girl's birthstone on and rip it off my wrist, holding it out in front of me. I drop it in the dirt, turn around, and walk out without looking back.

He has the nerve to stand there and act like I’ve cheated with my daughter’s gay father and yet he’s fucking married!

As I get to my car, I gently place my crying girl in her seat, giving her her stuffed giraffe as she sniffles, gripping it. I climb into the driver's seat then spin out of my spot.

The prospect furrows his brows when I skid near him, his eyes going to the several scratched bikes, but I look away from him, keeping my eyes on the gate before he reluctantly opens it.

I speed off down the road without looking in my rearview mirror.

When I get a few miles down the road, I pull over and grab my phone, calling the one person I know will be there for me. He answers on the third ring.

"Hey darling, I just got to school. Did you chicken out?"

I let out a sob as our daughter cries in the background.

"Get back home Olivia, I'll be there in ten."

He hangs up, and I try to collect myself, breathing through my sobs. I restart my car and head toward my apartment, promising myself to never give another man a chance again.

My first boyfriend was gay, and the second one was married and nasty. I'm done with relationships.



I swallow hard as Olivia's tires spin out of the club, several pinging noises can be heard as the brothers to curse, knowing she's just spun rubble at half the fucking bikes. I grit my teeth as Kallie squeezes my arm, running her other hand up my chest.

She goes on her tiptoes, her lips going to my ear as she rasps, "Baby, let's go inside and get reacquainted. I've missed you."

I can see my father furrowing his brows at me while my mother looks giddy with Kallie's words. No one can see my fucking heart is breaking bit by bit. Shaking my head, I shove her hands off me, making her and my mother gasp.