Page 13 of Smokey

I shrug. "I was going to until she became judgmental about me. Now, I guess it's just the principle of the thing."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "Stubborn, stubborn girl."

I just grin because, yes, I am, and ask, "Walk us out?"

He smiles with a nod before kissing our girl, who giggles, before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, walking us out of Mom's apartment and down the stairs.

When we get outside, he hands me our girl, who blows raspberries at him, making him laugh. He kisses my head, then rasps, "At least tell him so that he knows he has nothing to worry about."

When he moves back, I furrow my brows in confusion and ask, "Surely he knows he doesn't, right? I've spent most of my time with him and made him a priority in my life, which I have never done before. I mean, the man should feel quite special right now."

He laughs before stating, "I know you have; you and our girl have stayed at his house a lot, but that may not be enough for him. Just speak to him, darling."

I sigh but nod. "I will, I promise. Now get your ass to class."

He chuckles but nods before kissing mine and then our daughter's head.

"I'll see you both tomorrow." He points at me. "Open your heart; you deserve it."

He points at our daughter. "Be good for your second daddy."

I snort at his words, our girl giggling, and he shrugs.

"What? We both know that's where it's going. I couldn't be happier, and the sooner you tell him about me, the better, because then he'll feel comfortable meeting me, and then I get to meet some good-looking hunky men."

I smile and shake my head at his words, taking our girl to my car before strapping her in. Phil honks his horn as he drives off. I wave before climbing into the driver's seat, determined to set Rose straight while hoping to lessen Jonny's fears because, seriously, he's become everything to me.

Not long later, a prospect lets us in with a wave, April waving like mad, making him grin. I pull up near the other cars and swallow hard. Every time I've come here, which has been a lot, the brothers are hostile with me while the women sneer. Last week, one woman muttered how April isn't welcome, which pissed me off. I made up an excuse and walked out with her, Jonny not following, too busy chatting shit with his brothers. When he messaged three hours later—which is how long it took for him to notice us gone—I just told him I didn't want to disturb him, that April was tired.

I didn't see him for three days after that.

With a sigh, I get out before rounding the car and getting my girl out. She smiles wide, her blue eyes shining with happiness, melting my heart.

"Shall we go find Jon-Jon?"

She giggles. "Da-da two."

I laugh and shake my head, knowing Phil taught her that, the little shit.

With a smile, I walk us round the back where Jonny told us to go, my heart pounding like always when I know he's nearby. We enter the gate, and a couple of brothers look my way, raising a brow before looking away again.

I swallow hard, knowing I'm not really welcome. One of their own has betrayed them, so they now have major trust issues, and they don't trust me despite their brother thrusting himself into my life.

I'm not stupid; I knew what he was doing, and I actually liked it—he made me feel special for once.

I look around the yard. Lots of brothers are drinking and talking, but I only have one I want to see. I furrow my brows when I don't see him before I finally lock eyes on his form, but he's not talking to a brother. Instead, he's up close with some blonde girl who looks like she could be a supermodel. I stand still and watch for a second as she moves closer to him, her manicured nails dragging down his arm.

He doesn't push her away. Instead, he looks down at her with fondness.

I blink my eyes, hoping I don't cry right now. I'm about to turn because the pain is too much but can't because my girl decides now would be the time to make herself known and squeals, causing several eyes to look our way as she flaps her hands toward Jonny. And instead of his face lighting up seeing us, he scowls at me, making me furrow my brows in confusion as the woman grins at me, gripping his tatted arm. Rose glares at me from his right.

I tilt my head, not willing to get any closer, not willing to put my girl in harm's way. I don't think Jonny would ever hurt her, but the woman gripping his arm looks nasty.

Jonny stands up straighter and narrows his eyes, the words that come out of his mouth breaking my heart, the heart I let him in.

"Lying, cheating whores are not welcome here. So why don't you take yourself and your brat you tried to burden me with, and get the fuck off club property."

April flinches at his tone, her eyes tearing up.