Page 51 of Smokey


Smokey – Two Weeks Later

I take a hit of my smoke as we wait for Axel, the Untamed Hell Fires MC president, to appear. Tech couldn't find anything on Harris after I killed him; it was like he was wiped from the database despite a chronicling of his family's history, but when Snake mentioned him to Axel and his VP Dagger during a trade-off, they mentioned knowing of someone named Harris and wanted to see if it's the same guy.

My knee bounces as I exhale smoke, Snake watching me like a hawk.

Two weeks, that's how long my girls have been living with me, and it's absolute fucking bliss. Waking up with her in my arms, getting home to her and April making dinner, sometimes Phil and Cannon are with them.

It's fucking amazing, and I have to admit, I'm pissed. I could have had this over two years ago, but my girl decided to listen to someone else’s shit. I know she's been trying to make up for everything even though I've told her she doesn't have to. She'll cook every night and message several times a day, and then will be waiting for me naked in bed or the tub.

Ok, so she can continue to make it up to me because I fucking love coming home after club shit to her naked. It’s where I really wish she was right now instead of at the bakery.

"Brother, does Liv know that you're smoking again?"

I glare at Snake as Tats, who has barely been on club property lately, chuckles. Snake just grins at me—fucker—but he knows I'm stressed. Not being able to find fuck all on Harris hasn't been easy, and knowing my girl used him to keep me at bay still agitates me to fuck.

"No, she doesn't, and you know she doesn't, and neither of you are going to tell her."

He chuckles at my words as Tats grins. The door to church opens and a prospect leads Axel and Dagger inside.

They both raise their brows as Axel asks, "Does your woman know you’re smoking?" My brothers to burst out in laughter, and I groan, putting the cig out.

I grunt, then growl, "There, happy?"

They all grin as I stand and greet them, giving them bro hugs before we all take a seat.

Axel's blue eyes meet mine. "Okay, so your woman went on a few dates with this Harris?"

He shows me the picture, and I growl seeing the fucker’s stupid gelled-back hair.

"Yeah, that's him. He started to stalk her while she was using him as a buffer between us.” The men wince before I sneer, "He sexually assaulted her. I only just fucking got to her in time."

Dagger sighs, leaning back in his chair. "Around our way, he was the local drug dealer. and my girl's mother's boyfriend. He and she wanted to pimp my girl out for their fix. Her mother even had her beaten."

My eyes widen as I sit back in shock.

Axel nods. "Yeah, I know. Your girl was lucky. Patricia, his ex, if you can even call her that…he planned to pimp her out. He became obsessed with her after only one date, but she didn’t want to see him again. Mel reported him after her door cam recorded him and her mother outside her crappy apartment door talking about pimping her out. He was locked up for a few months before being released on a technicality. Flame was monitoring him until he left town."

I sigh, sitting forward as I run my hand through my hair. "So basically, you're telling me the fucker I burnt alive had planned to sell my girl?"

Dagger clears his throat, sitting forward, linking his fingers on the table. "Probably not. By the way Snake described it, he became obsessed with your girl because of the similarities between her and his ex. Most likely, he’d have kidnapped her, but I know there won’t be backlash for killing him. No one liked him."

I grind my teeth. "His job?"

He's a well-known banker in our town and even has loving fucking parents who don't love him so much anymore. Tech moved millions into his accounts before draining them, sharing the money with different charities. The fucker is now a disgrace in a town who thinks he’s on the run.

Axel sits forward. "His father got him the job when he was released. The fucker promised to change his ways, which is why his parents took him back in. Tech, Flame, and Star dug up everything up on him. His father managed to keep the crap covered when he came to town, and paid a hefty sum for it to boot."

I sigh and shake my head. "I knew I should have tortured him a little bit more."

The brothers laugh before discussing the next fun run to help raise money for different charities. During the run, we take a week-long to other towns to help raise funds. This year, Hallie will be watching April while my girl is on the back of my bike. Phil will be on Cannon’s.

"How are things with Liv, Smokey?"

I blink and look at Dagger. The brothers are looking at me with concern, and I smile a little. "I'm still pissed at her, but I also love her more than life itself, so I'm learning to forgive. The only problem is her forgiving herself."

Axel nods. "She's struggling?"