Page 52 of Smokey

I nod. "She is, but I know we'll be ok. Besides, I fucking love the way she grovels." I waggle my brows as the brothers laugh.

Axel chuckles, then says, "It's not every day an old lady fucks up; it's usually us."

I chuckle, too. "Believe me, I fucked up first; she just decided to take it to the next level."

Axel looks toward Tats. "Snake mentioned you've been MIA lately. Not a good luck for an enforcer."

I grin wide before not so subtly mentioning, "That's because he's finally got the girl and doesn't want the old ladies and club whores to scare her away."

Tat growls at me. He’s obviously not happy that I figured out what was up.

Snake bangs on the table. Dag and Axel chuckle when Snake points at Tats and states, "I fucking knew it. Violet finally let your player ass in after she walked in on you fucking one of her friends."

The brothers chuckle as Tats groans. After that, we shoot the shit, picking at Tats, talking about all the pranks their women are getting up to, chatting about how Tech's new girl, Brook, is now hanging with the club, helping the women.

When Snake caught Sarah in his office two weeks ago, Brook had snuck in there while Tech was occupied and grabbed his address book, helping the ladies send bright pink dildos to our allied clubs.

I swear they’ll never get close to my girl, and I think Tats agrees if that look in his eyes is any indication.

A few hours later, I walk into Baked Goods. I didn't want my girl working here again, but she refused to give in to the torment that fucker left behind, wanting to be able to do what she loved. I tried telling her she could bake at home, feeding the brothers, but she refused to be a “leech”—her word, not mine.

When I get near the counter, Florence grins wide before tugging her top down, making me roll my eyes as the kitchen door swings open. My girl looks really fucking frazzled as she rushes out with two trays of food, making me narrow my eyes.

We make eye contact when she places the food down, and hers instantly melts before she rounds the counter. I open my arms, and she walks right into them willingly, her forehead going to my chest, her arms around my waist, and her hands gripping the back of my cut.

I rasp, "Busy day, Freckles?" in her ear, and she nods, gripping the back of my cut tighter.

Florence huffs, not happy, but I don't give a shit. I can smell her nail polish from here. Instead of helping my girl, she's taking liberties because she's the owner's granddaughter, an owner who doesn't even give a shit. She's barely ever in town and has only kept the bakery open for Florence.

I kiss my girl's head before Flo opens her mouth. "Seems as you've decided to take your few minutes cuddled up, I'm going to be leaving in ten. I may be back by closing, but we'll see."

I go to open my mouth, fed up with Livvy willingly putting up with this shit, but my girl, my strong fucking amazing girl, spins in my arms.

Finally having enough, and sneers, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Florence's eyes widen as my girl unties her apron. "You know what, Flo, I fucking quit! I have had enough of your bullshit. I have had enough of being underpaid because you've bullshitted about the hours I have done, taking my fucking pay. I am fucking done."

She throws the apron at Flo, hitting her face as I stand here grinning. Livvy rounds the counter to the back, before returning a few seconds later with her bag. My pride fucking shines for my girl as she walks back into my arms. I wrap one around her waist as my hand cups her jaw, kissing her lightly before whispering, "I have a surprise for you, Freckles."

She furrows her brows but nods as Florence screams for her to come back, but we ignore her as I guide my girl to my bike, fucking glad that her mom drove her to work this morning after picking April up. Since moving in with me, Hallie has demanded “April time” at least two nights every two weeks.

Phil practically danced at Hallie’s demand, especially since April has started asking questions about him and Cannon.

I help my girl on the back of my bike, placing her get helmet on before climbing in front of her. She instantly wraps her arms around me, her head going onto my back as I rev my bike up, guiding it away from the shithole bakery.

It didn't take long before I pull up in front of the light gray building a few shops down from our bar. I climb off before helping a very confused Livvy dismount. She removes her helmet, then I gently run my fingers through her curly, ginger hair, and then place my forehead against hers. Her hands automatically grip my cut, making me smile.

"I love you, Freckles."

She smiles, her tired eyes shining up at me as she rasps, "I love you, too."

I sigh, holding her closer to me before I state, "About a year and a half ago, we, the club, purchased this building." I nod toward the building, making her look. Her eyes tear up, seeing the name above the door in black and pink.

April's Treats.

It was the fifth name on her list.

I gently rub my nose against hers, rasping, "April chose it." She sobs, and I gently pull her toward the building, unlocking the door. I gently push her in first as I turn on the lights. The far back wall is painted black, and there are white-framed paintings from Star, Flame's old lady, with some paintings in pink frames, those ones painted by our Little Red.

The side wall to our left, where black tables are placed, is painted white with the devil's logo but in pink, while on the right is the bakery's name in black and pink. A glass display counter sits in front of it with a cake pedestal inside. Axel's old lady, Annalise, gave Snake the details on where to buy it.