“Exactly where we left off eight years ago.”

“You don’t mean...?”

“Marry me, Sabrina Wells.”


He takes my lips and it's embarrassing how eagerly I kiss him back, stroking my tongue against his and straining to get closer. He holds me steady, one hand firmly around my hip, and the other at the back of my head. I feel locked into place, not able to squirm against him while he continues to plunder my mouth until I go breathless.

He raises his head, looking into mine with intense, dilated pupils. I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my desire for him. The hand on my hip cups my derriere, and presses his pelvis to me. I feel his arousal against my lower belly and moan with need. It's been too long.

"The answer you're looking for is 'yes' Bree. I’m afraid I’ll take nothing less. We’re going the whole nine yards this time or we don’t move an inch.”

“Wow, an ultimatum. Whoever said romance was dead has never met you.”

“Grumble all you like baby. You know you want to be my wife. Badly.” He puts his lips to my ear and starts whispering, “Remember that time when we were studying for your calculus—”

I flush scarlet. “Jordan Farrington I’ll kill you if you finish that sentence.”

He picks me up, laughing so hard I have to join in.

All I can say is never fall in naïve, stupid love at seventeen with a guy that will never let you live it down. Or maybe do. It feels amazing.

His mouth devours mine and for long minutes I don’t think of anything else except the feel of his mouth on mine.

“Well? What do you say Bree?”

Be brave. I tell myself. “Yes. Okay. Let's do it.”

“Fuck yeah!” He fist pumps, then takes my mouth in another drugging kiss. When we come up for air again everyone is standing around us. I am mortified I was so carried away I didn’t realize when they all came in.

There are lots of hugs and kisses, then we settle down to enjoy the evening thoroughly with emotional and cringy and cheesy mini speeches, games, and raucous laughter. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I finally feel like I have a family again.

Chapter 21


I stand before the opaque, tempered glass double doors of the main conference room of the Apex Energy headquarters. Behind the door sit all the top executives of the company. The meeting started half an hour ago.

Bree stands beside me, exquisite in her black pantsuit and matching pumps and holding hands with Mother. Detectives Paulo Pedroni and Rayford Landry take the rear.

I look at Bree, laying a hand on the small of her back. “Ready baby?” She nods, her golden eyes hard with resolve.

She'd reacted to the news of my father and Tim Hadfield's vile scheming and sabotage with disbelief, then anger and grief. My fiancée grew up in a loving and simple family and tended to see things in black and white. Her innocence was one of the things that drew me to her.

I, on the other hand, was raised in the large, shark-infested, brackish Farrington waters where everyone has a hidden agenda. I'd begun to worry that she might nurse second thoughts about becoming a member of my family but I needn't have. My mother loves her fiercely and the feeling appears to be very mutual.

When I asked Bree if she wanted to confront Molly about the betrayal she said she wasn't interested. Not yet at least. She wanted to focus on getting to know her soon-to-be family, and on her relationship. Me. I couldn't stop the ripples of pleasure her words had caused in me.

Then a few nights later, I walked into Bree's apartment and was stunned to see my own sister curled on the sofa with a glass of wine, beaming at me. I knew they were getting on well, but for fuck's sake it had only been the week before Merry met my fiancée, and already my pain-in-the-ass sister has latched onto her. Wanting Bree all to myself, I tried kicking Merry out but she only scoffed at my sour mood. Only after Bree whispered a sultry promise of making it up to me did I perk up. Since then they've been as thick as thieves.

I turn to my mother.

“Ready to end this?”

In her soft, musical voice that belies the heart of a mastermind, she says“More than ready. Let's upend this cesspool.”

“Good.” I place my palm on the panel on the side of the door, something else that had been reprogrammed since I took over weeks ago. Only the CEO could open a boardroom door from the outside if it was locked from within.