The doors swing open and all five of us step into the room. The interruption is deafening.

Sixteen pairs of eyes swing toward us and then exchange glances among themselves, betraying a mix of intrigue, disbelief, and satisfaction as the tension in the atmosphere grows heavier with each passing second. Two-thirds of those in the room were aware that a moment like this was imminent but none knew exactly how or when it would happen.

My gaze finally rests on Brendan Farrington. “Hello Father,” I say amiably. “You look well.”

I haven’t been in the same room with him in almost four years. His full, thick hair is almost completely gray, matching his cold, penetrating eyes under that heavy brow. He tries and fails to mask his shock as he shifts in his seat.

“What is the meaning of this Jordan? Who let you all in here?” Mother makes a beeline for him and stands behind him. “Agnes, what's this nonsense about?”

“I have no clue, darling. I thought you’d set this up in order to meet Jordan’s girl.” Brendan scoffs, no doubt marveling at how thick he thought his wife could be.

“Father, this is Sabrina Wells, my fiancée.” I gesture to Bree, who gazes steadily at my father with an unreadable expression. I realize this is a moment for her too- the meeting of Brendan Farrington in person.

“You must be charmed to finally meet the woman who, in spite of you, has captured my heart for almost a decade.” His eyes widen and before he can stop himself my father glances sharply at Tim Hadfield who appears to be just as stumped.

“Sabrina, Brendan Farrington, immediate past CEO of Apex Energy, and my father.” Bree manages a tight smile.

“Excuse me?” Father’s jaw tightens as he struggles to maintain a controlled composure.

I continue as if he hasn’t spoken. “And these are detectives Pedroni and Landry, all the way from the Henderson PD, their presence was deemed necessary in this meeting.”

“Get out of my boardroom right now. All of you. O’Reilly, call security.” Jack O’Reilly, the company secretary doesn’t move a muscle, which only adds to Brendan’s rising panic.

I lead Bree to the end of the table and pull out a seat for her then take the next one at the foot of the conference table, or the head, depending on your starting point. I wave for Detective Pedroni and Landry to sit as well.

“It appears there has been a change of hands Father.”

“Change of what? I am the CEO of this company!” The slight tremor in his voice gives his fear away. He knows his worst nightmare is happening. What I'm doing is not new. It has happened to five other Farringtons in the 126-year history of the company.

“Some deliberations were held behind closed doors, and the board has now made their choice.”

“And that’s you?” he booms, his face blotchy with anger.

“Ultimately yes. But the most pressing resolution is to ensure the survival of Apex Energy, which mandates that you retire. Effective immediately.”

Agnes gasps. “Jordan! You can’t do this to your fa—”

“Shut up ignorant bitch, I'm speaking!” Brendan roars, unable to keep the pretense of being a loving husband up for the benefit of the board. Agnes flinches and cowers in fear but the unmistakable gleam of triumph simmers in her blue eyes.

The company executives watch in open fascination, the initial shock now wearing off, some of them relishing in the exchange.

“Survival you say?” he spits. “This company has thrived under me for decades. I've dedicated my entire life to it!”

“Which is why you’ll have an attractive severance package. I trust you’ll find it even more generous than previous Farringtons have. I am nothing if not fair.”

“How dare you, you spiteful, ungrateful son! After everything I’ve done for you?” He looks around the boardroom. “Are you all in on this too?"

Silence greets him. "Traitors! The whole lot of you! This is treachery!”He bangs his fists on the thick wooden table.

“Mr. Farrington,” Jack O’Reilly interrupts his tirade, “this is not a personal attack on you. Sometimes we must adapt and make difficult decisions for the sake of progress.”

Arrin Muller, the Chief Financial Officer, speaks up. “We all know Jordan is more than capable, Brendan. Actually, his competence is almost frightening. He's built his own company which is already one of the fastest growing around. He has also had years of experience working with everyone in this room.

"And most important," Dash Mercer, the Chief Legal Officer adds, "is the fact that he’s a Farrington and happens to be your son. We would also like to happily point out that Jordan doesn’t have the corporate or political enemies you have amassed, which is becoming a real concern and impacting our performance indices. It is shocking, we understand, but we hope you will come to realize this is probably the best thing that’s happened to this company in a while.”

“Well said Dash,” another board member pipes up. “It's time for us to move forward.”

Brendan Farrington’s face remains flushed with anger and disbelief but is also now also strained with resignation. He slumps his shoulders as if the realization that his time in Apex Energy has unceremoniously come to an end, is settling heavily upon him.