“Wow. That’s progress. I mean I’m sorry for the girl but he was practically eye fucking you so the relationship needed to end anyway.”

“Right?” She munches on another tortilla. “I just need to be careful, I don’t know if he wants a relationship, but I don’t want a casual fling. I think I’m catching feelings for the guy and I’m worried I might not find the right balance. I don’t want to be too intense and scare him off, but on the other hand, if I act too indifferent he might get the impression that we're just playing around.”

“I understand. It’s tough.” I think of Jordan who’s put everything out there. It must take a lot of guts to do that. Somehow, I find Jordan’s confidence and openness such a turn-on.

“So, back to you Bree. You’ve been walking on clouds today. If you smiled any harder you’d break your face. What’s good?”

“I spent the last couple of nights with Jordan.”

Dalia hoots.

“Who’s Jordan?” Bonnie appears from nowhere and takes an empty seat. “Sorry I’m late. I had a meeting that took awfully longer than it should.” She takes off her leather jacket, revealing a white crop top and tight, blue jeans.

Dalia brings her up to speed. “He’s Bree’s hot billionaire. They’ve got history and baggage the size of New York...”

“So what does this mean?” Bonnie asks me.

“He told me he loves me.” They gasp.

“Wow, I like him, he doesn’t waste any time.” Dalia pushes the menu to Bonnie. “What are you having Bonnie?”

“Oh, I’ll just take what you guys are having.” She motions to one of the many waiters. “And what about you Sabrina? Do you love him too?”

“You know, I’ve spent the entire time refusing to even let myself think about it. So, I don’t know. I mean there’s still Drew to consider. And the guilt of my parents is weighing hard on me. It’s a lot.”

I give Bonnie the short version of eight years ago. I don’t say anything about the night of the accident though.

“Oh wow,” Bonnie says. “It’s hard but ultimately you’ve got to think about your own happiness. Do you think he can make you happy?”

“Oh God yes.” Dalia nods enthusiastically.

"Well excuse me for having an answer to my question," I chuckle.

"What, like you have a different answer?"

“No," I admit, "He makes me so happy. But he could also break me and I’m scared because, with Jordan, there are no half-measures, he gives you everything but he takes everything out of you as well. If I do this and end up regretting it again, even Drew wouldn’t have my back at that point.”

“Maybe coming clean with Drew first will make things clearer?” Dalia covers my hand with hers.

I think about it for a while. It’s going to be a tough conversation. Drew hates the Farringtons and thinks Jordan is a demon. But it's true. I should speak to him.

Chapter 17


The SUV takes me from the McCarran Airport to the Hubris Bar in Henderson's Central district where I'm to meet Molly.

The town looks more or less the same and too nondescript to have brewed all the drama that ensued because a boy and girl fell in love. But I can't complain anymore. The one woman who gives this city any kind of meaning for me woke up in my bed this morning. Somehow that makes all the heartache worth it.

After Mitch got back to me with Molly’s details I called her straight away, introducing myself as an executive of Apex Energy and offering money in exchange for information about one of her high school classmates. She warned she might not remember much but still agreed to meet.

I spot Molly as soon as I enter Hubris Bar. She was telling the truth those years ago, I remember her face as Bree and I have been on a double date with her. She’s chosen the table furthest from the door, partly in shadows.

Yeah, I bet you know your way around shady dealing.

“Hello Molly.” I slip into the opposite chair.

She looks up and her face pales with the shock of recognition. “J—Jordan? What are you doing here?”