“Who were you expecting from Apex?” She doesn’t say anything.

“Well, I’m still trying to get back with Bree you see, and as you were a most enthusiastic wing woman, I thought you might be a good place to start.”

“Bree moved out of town a few months ago.” She looks terrified.

“That’s never stopped you has it? You had me flying across the country to meet her at Fusion. I’m sure you can pull another stunt like that.”

“I don’t know if I can help. I don’t know where in New York she is.”

“I’m sure you can help immensely so let's get right into it. Who is Murphy? You know, the guy you swore was Bree’s ex-boyfriend.”

Her eyes widen in panic. “Look, I don’t want any trouble.”

“I do,” I say coldly. “And a hell of a lot of it is coming your way if you don’t start telling me what I need to know right now.”

“Here, this should help loosen your tongue.” I show her a couple of printouts.

“This is roughly how much Sam has stolen from his illegal sales of copyrighted material.” I point to a figure that makes her gasp. “Money you have helped him hide away. How long do you think it’ll take me to get you both arrested and charged? Your lovely new townhouse repossessed. I’m sure you’ve got little Freddie to think of.” I refer to their three-year-old son.

She looks at the rest of the folder in front of her and hurriedly scans through the documents and bank accounts. She looks back up in fear, her eyes shiny with tears. “He told me they were bonuses from working late so much and the amount he’s told me he gets is nothing close to these figures.”

I push the tissue box on the table to her. “Your husband sounds like the douchebag he is. You might want to think about whether you want to protect him or be there for your son.”

“You have ten seconds. Start talking. Who is Murphy?”

“Murphy is no one. He doesn’t exist.”

I feel like a fucking idiot for ever doubting Bree. “Why did you make me believe he did?”

“I—I, you can’t tell anyone, please. They’ll destroy my family.”

“Who will? Tim Hadfield? Brendan Farrington?” Molly manages a small nod.

“You’re looking at the CEO of Apex Energy as of this moment so I’d say you’ve got a bigger threat sitting in front of you right now than Tim or Brendan.”

Her mouth works like a fish. Her expression is a cross between fear and wonder.

“Unless you’d like to take your chances?” I get my phone out and dial a number leaving it on speaker.

“Henderson PD, Detective Paulo Pedroni.”

Molly’s eyes are as round as saucers. She starts shaking her head no.

“It's Jordan Farrington.”

“Hello Mr. Farrington, what can I do for you?”

“I’ve got a situation here at Hubris Bar. There’s a woman here with me who may be an accomplice to copyright fraud. Could you send someone down? I’ll hold her in the meantime.”

“Sure, I will send someone over sir.” I disconnect the phone.

“So, either you tell me every single bit of detail about every single moment of contact and conversation that led to Bree being in the parking lot that night, or I’ll let the kind officer deal with you. Your choice.”

Her face is blotchy with tears but I can't find a shred of empathy in me.

“A guy named Tim approached Sam and me the summer you left Sabrina.” She starts, her words rushed. “He said to make it look like Sabrina was cheating. Sam is good with photos and editing things, that’s why he did it for the school magazine and yearbook. He gave us a lot of money. Ten thousand dollars.”

“Who was the man in the photos?”