“Sweetie, I’m not in Henderson right now.”

“You’re not? Where are you?”


“Oh. When are you coming back?”

“I’m not sure when exactly but I’ll come as soon as I can.”

“That’s not an answer Jordan.”

“Do you trust me?”


“Then wait.”

“What does that mean? Wait for what?" When I remain silent she continues, "Okay tell me, are going to be back in time for your birthday next week?”

I know she’s planning something for the day. “I don’t think so love.”

Her voice hitches with rising panic. “What about graduation?” Which is in a few weeks. We were going to do the big engagement reveal to her parents on the night of her graduation.

Christ. This is hard.

“Baby, I don’t think the party is still possible with what's happened.”

“But Dad’s going to be released is he not? You just said your dad is doing something about that. They’ll find out he’s innocent. So he should be home by then.”

“Bree, baby. Listen, the timing isn’t ideal. We should chill for a bit and let this blow over.”

“I see. Jordan we were meant to go to Houston after graduation but now you're telling me you left and you don't know when you're coming back."

Again I'm quiet.

Bree continues in a small voice. "I don’t suppose we’ll be getting married anymore then?”

“Of course, we will baby. I want more than anything to be your husband." I pause, dreading what I have to say next. "Just— not right now.”

She digests this. “And is all of this is because of what's happened today?”

“Bree, trust me—”

“I’d like a straight answer Jordan.”

“Essentially, yes. But—”

“That’s okay. I uh—I understand. I’m really sorry to embarrass you.”

“No, baby, You could never embarrass me. I love you. You’re my fiancée.”

She starts to cry again.


“Jordan I really need you,” she whispers. “I’m so scared and worried. I just need you to hold me. I could come to you if you can’t be in Henderson right now.”

“To Houston?”