“Yeah. Or wherever. I just want to see you.”

“Baby. I need you too. But not right now okay, I’m working something out.”

“I see.” She sobs. “Oh my God. You think he did it, don’t you? Uncle Drew was right.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Uncle Drew said our relationship was too good to be true. That you’d leave me as soon as your term at the solar plant is over.”

“Tell me you don’t actually believe that.”

“I’d be wise to believe it since it's happening right before my eyes."


“Goodbye Jordan.”

“Sabrina don’t do this. Don’t fucking do this to us. Just trust me.”

“No, I’m sorry I can’t. The same way that you don’t believe that my father is innocent. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have run so fast. Jordan you couldn’t even wait for me to get back. And I’m the woman you’re supposed to be marrying. God, what a colossal idiot I am. I believed everything you told me and I fell in love with you.”

“Sabrina for the love of God, just listen to me, don’t hang up. Baby I want to see you too. It's killing me not to be able to hold you. I need to explain some things to you. Listen, I’ll come to Henderson soon okay? I can't say exactly when but I want there to be nothing between us when we talk. I need you to be able to look into my eyes and see the truth there.”

She doesn’t say anything.

“Can you just do one thing for me?”


“Hang in there baby, I’m coming for you.”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll try.”

“I love you,” I tell her.

She hangs up.

And that’s the last time I would speak to Bree for eight years.

The following weeks were forged in the flames of hell. First Bree stopped picking up calls. I couldn’t reach Drew, Maria, or any of her friends.

I was completely iced out, and after seven days of being unable to contact her, I became desperate, ready to risk everything and go to Henderson when I received news of my father's heart attack. So instead of Henderson, I went straight to New York.

While Father was hospitalized after his bypass surgery, there was a lot of apprehension among company executives and talk of succession. Tim, the COO, and Dash Mercer, the company lawyer informed me of a legal clause recently ratified by the board, that in the absence of the CEO, only a Farrington was permitted to authorize certain high-level transactions.

The unusual clause had Brendan Farrington stamped all over it. I suspected this was a decision he must have somehow arm-twisted the board into making. Unfortunately, it was not something I could change, and being the next Farrington in line meant I was stuck in New York for four weeks while my father was indisposed.

Bobby had in fact not been released from custody. According to Tim Hadfield, who was handling the internal fraud issue, the police found more damning evidence linking Bobby to another fraud case from his previous job, at which point it didn’t matter what Tim did.

The whole time I missed Bree terribly. And she never once picked up my calls or responded to my messages.

Seeds of doubt started growing. How could she switch off her feelings and ghost me like this? And why not? She’s a young, smart, and gorgeous girl. Why should she want to tie herself to a man like me who couldn't be there for her when she most needed him?

The next blow came from an anonymous text from ‘a friend’, who sent me a photo of Sabrina in the arms of another man. The idea was so ludicrous I wanted to ignore it at first. But because our relationship was on such thin ice at the time, I couldn’t ignore the real possibility of her meeting someone else. Anger and doubt made me engage with the sender.

Me: Who are you and what the hell is this?

Sender: Molly, Bree’s friend. We were in the same school year at Dyson Park High. My boyfriend and I once went on a double date with you guys. You should know Sabrina is back with her old boyfriend, the son of Pizza Fiesta’s owner.