I hide my snort in a cough. Not likely “Hey, maybe you can take Merry I’m sure she'll be ecstatic for you to find her a husband this weekend.” I smile gleefully, knowing I've dodged this bullet.

Her eyes narrow at my sarcasm and she's about to launch into a speech when as if on cue, the door opens and Ethan breezes in.

“Agnes! My do you look breathtaking.” It's one of the rare times I'm delighted to see the guy.

“Ethan darling, come and give me a hug.” She stands to greet him.

“What have you done to your hair? It's gorgeous, I like it."

Mother is all giggles and blushes while she shoots me a ‘you see what I mean?’ look over her shoulder.

Oh for fuck’s sake, make me look bad why don’t you, idiot. I throw Ethan a dark look that he returns with a smirk.

“So, what’s Xavier saying, Jordan?” Ethan and I devour the rest of the delicious sandwiches after Mother leaves.

“Oh it’s sorted, Xavier’s a sound guy. And smart enough to see it’s good business for the nightclub eventually, because it opens it up to clients who would normally not be on that scene.”

It was Ethan's idea to use a nightclub for the exhibition and since my friend Xavier owns a string of those, he's tasked me with securing the venue.

“You're right.” Ethan meticulously packs up the remains of the sandwiches Mother brought for lunch.

Just chuck it in the trash man. I want to say, but we try not to mention anything about Ethan’s obsessive need to put things back exactly the way they were.

Ethan's been known to lose his marbles at ridiculous things. Such as messily tearing open packaging. I suppose his reasoning is that if you tear it open, you can't put it back. Well, who the fuck cares about putting it back together though? Apparently, Rain Man here does, which is also why we never agree to have lunch or hang out in his office. We have no such respect for his living quarters, but if we want Ethan in top working form, we know enough not to mess with his workspace.

“And are your pieces selected?” he asks, straightening the cardboard box so he can put the leftovers in it.

“Yeah, just a few of them, all anonymous of course.” And it needs to remain that way. Ethan understands what I haven't said.

“Why do you insist on being anonymous? Your work is freakishly good man.”

“Thanks. But I figure I’ve got enough attention with Acercraft and Apex Energy. The more exposure I get, the less control and more departure from normal life. Even if the art is crap, attaching my name to them will give them recognition.”

“True that.” He fingers his stubble thoughtfully. “And what about Sabrina? Are you going to be okay knowing that she’s going to be there, talking about your sketches? God help you if she loves them.”

I take a deep breath, remembering Dalia gushing over Grant’s work and what it did to him. “No, I’m not," I answer honestly. “But I’ve got to find a way to get through. How has she been?”

“Honestly? I haven't seen much of her recently, we've been communicating by text. Grant has been in contact with her every day though.”

I give him a hard stare. He looks away. “Ethan? What are you doing? Don’t even fucking make me regret telling you about this. Come on man, Seriously, you'll let it affect working with her? She’s fucking amazing, you said so yourself—”

“Hey, calm down Romeo. Nothing’s changed. I'm just… still reeling a bit. I need time to deal. Jesus Jordan, the woman hurt you this bad, refuses to talk to you, and yet you defend her this fiercely. Love has got to suck.”

“It has its fine moments,” I say wryly. Ethan's fierce loyalty is one of the things I love most about him, but surely he must know that even if Bree never speaks to me again, I expect him to bend over backward to help her. "Ethan, I mean it, squash that shit. Now"

“Done. The ice will take a few tries to thaw but you've got nothing to worry about man. I love her like a sister. Besides she's phenomenal."

"Appreciate it."

"So, how are going to deal with this Saturday?”

I shrug. “Fuck knows.”

“What about taking a date?”

“How would that help?” I'm deliberately being obtuse.

“Don’t be daft. For one thing, it will prevent you from following her around like a lost puppy.”