“I did not do that.”

“Jordan, my man. You so did. It was embarrassing to watch.”

“Fuck off,” I say. He only laughs. “There’s no one I can take.”

Ethan snorts. “Really?”

“Well, no one right now who wouldn’t expect a ‘nightcap’.”

“And is your junk broken as well?”

“Look, man.” I rise and head to my desk. “I’ve got work to do.”

“Okay, I knew you’d be mulish about this refusing to see that this is for your own good.” He follows me to the desk, taking one of the seats opposite it. “Take Leticia then.” Leticia is my cousin and Meredith’s best friend.

“Why the hell would I take Letty instead of Merry? Not that either is an option, but Merry will have my head if I don’t ask her first.”

“You can't take Meredith because Sabrina knows her. At least knows she's your sister.”

“But Letty is just a girl—and she’ll talk my ear off!”

“No, you’ve been living under a rock. Leticia is a gorgeous woman who is only two years younger than Sabrina and in a solid relationship. She’s perfect. And eager to go to the exhibition. Besides, Meredith doesn’t mind.”

“Wow. You’ve already got this all figured out haven't you?”

“What can I say.” He shrugs. “I’m efficient like that.”

“Meddlesome bastard.”

“I love you too man.” He gets up and carries the reconstructed sandwich box to the trash, and leaves me helplessly fuming.

Chapter 11


Ethan was right, I must have been living under a rock because Letty is far from the giggling teenager I remember.

“So, Jordan, Ethan tells me you love this woman, but she might not love you back?” Letty asks as soon as we're out of her apartment.

Ethan has too big a mouth. You’d think his love life is all roses the way he meddles.

I grunt, not particularly wanting to discuss my situation with Letty.

Letty struts past me, leading the way to the waiting Bentley and I bite my tongue again. If it was Merry accompanying me tonight, I would have insisted she change the moment I saw her dress.

Letty's floor-length shimmery contraption is missing a back and most of its front, and what's left of the bodice is being precariously held up by a row of tiny silver chains at her nape and between her breasts. I wonder for the umpteenth time if taking her to the exhibition is the wise thing to do.

I'm trying to speak to Bree to get closure if nothing else. I'm not trying to piss her off. Although it's probably bold of me to assume she'd care either way.

Letty waits for me to catch up, gesturing blithely to the door. She's enjoying this far too much. I pull it open for her and she settles into the seat like a queen. For fuck sake. Why the hell did I agree to this?

I round the car and as soon as I'm sat next to her she continues.“I’ll take your silence as a yes. Oh, this is so exciting!"

She rubs her hands together. "So tell me, do you want to make her jealous and get her to admit she cares about you or do you just want me to cockblock you guys?” It sounds obscene coming from her mouth. Letty is like my baby sister.

There's no going back now, I might as well see it through.

“I don’t know," I say finally, "both maybe. Our business is so freaking unfinished that it's driving me insane. We never broke up.”