“Shit. Ryan, I’m so sorry!”
I tilt my head, observing her flushed face, and wonder if she didn’t realize I was the one who went in for the kiss. “It’s okay, Stella, really.”
“Um, we should head out.” She glances at her watch. “I’ll just about make it to the DuPonts by five-thirty if I leave now.”
“Jerry will take you there,” I say, referring to the chauffeur.
“What about you?”
“I’ll catch a cab back to the penthouse, and when you’re done, you could join me for dinner. Mabel’s been looking forward to seeing you again.” I pause, thinking, “Or, I could take you out for dinner.”
She smirks, “You mean like an actual date?”
“I can’t believe we’ve never actually been on one before.”
“It sounds almost criminal, doesn’t it? We’ve been too busy with laws and contracts to have a proper date. So, what do you say?”
“I don’t know, I’ve always been a stickler for laws,” she replies playfully.
“Well consult the rule book and let me know in the next two minutes.”
“Two minutes to decide? Where are we going? A take-out drive-through?”
“That’s a brilliant idea actually.” I ignore her mock-glare as I escort her to the car where Jerry waits. I get her settled in the back and I’m about to shut the door when she asks. “Do you want to meet her?”
“Harriet?” The surprise in my voice is unmistakable.
She gives a nonchalant shrug, as if to say, ‘Who else?’
I pause, taken aback by her offer to introduce me to her niece. I knew I would meet Harriet at some point, considering I may be named as her legal guardian, but Stella actually looks like she wants me to meet her niece.
“If you’re sure?” It’s one of those rare times I feel out of depth and willing for someone else to decide.
“Of course.” Stella affirms. “She’s an enchanting little girl. And I’m sure she’ll like you, too.”
“Then, I’d be honored to meet your niece. Thanks, Stella.”
“I just need to call Faith and let her know I’m bringing someone along.”
As I get into the car, Stella dials the DuPonts, but she only manages to reach their answering machine. She leaves a few voice messages and sends texts, hoping they’ll be received in time.
“Sometimes it’s hard to reach Faith, but hopefully, she’ll get my messages and won’t mind you coming,” she says. I’m somewhat puzzled by the fear in her voice.
Half an hour later, we arrive at the DuPonts’ sprawling mansion. No sooner than we step out of the car, Harriet darts out of the house like a ball of energy, pigtails flying, her laughter filling the quiet afternoon air.
“Auntie Stella, you came!” she squeals, her small legs propelling her across the driveway until she launches herself straight into Stella’s arms.
I instinctively move behind Stella’s delicate frame, fearing they might topple with the impact of Harriet’s momentum. But, Stella, clearly used to Harriet’s effusive greetings, stands her ground firmly.
“I missed you so much, Auntie Stella.” Harriet cries, “Faith and Mal said you went to Seattle and I was worried you wouldn’t come back to see me.”
“Of course, silly sausage, I’ll always come back. And I’ve got someone here I’d like you to meet.”
Harriet lifts her gaze from Stella’s shoulder, noticing me for the first time. Her blue eyes go round in wonder.
“Harriet, this is Ryan,” Stella introduces.