Without thinking I blurt. “I thought you didn’t kiss?”

He shrugs. “I don’t. That wasn’t a kiss. That was just me saying I’m sorry for being a jerk.”

I nod as if it makes perfect sense.

He stands, pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wipes his face. Then he bends over me and proceeds to blow my mind again.

Bracing one arm by the headrest beside my head and staring deep into my eyes, he slowly wipes me up.

It’s achingly sweet and so very intimate. And the fact that it’s Ryan who doesn’t make eye contact for more than a few seconds at a time makes it feel like he’s giving me something precious.

I’m unable to look away, I can’t even muster a snarky comment. Instead, I let myself drown in him.

It’s the little things he does without thinking. The way he looks out for me. The chicken scrawly notes. The flowers. The opening of car doors even when he’s boiling mad.

Something shifts in my chest. Something that puts me on this man’s side. Behind him, rooting for him in spite of his flaws.

When I’m dry, he repositions my panties and then smooths down my skirt. I see the enormous bulge in his pants before he lowers himself into the seat opposite.

“Don’t you want me to… reciprocate?” I gesture at his crotch.

“Later, if you want to. This was for you. I told you I wanted to apologize.”

Well then. I smile, “Apology fucking accepted.”

He chuckles, and again I see he’s not quick to look away.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Stella sits next to me, her posture stiff as she picks at a manicured nail. I don’t recall ever seeing her this anxious. Gently, I cover both her hands with one of mine, halting her fidgeting.

“Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild,” starts Anita Brodkin, Harriet’s kind-faced caseworker. “Ms. Finch has briefed me about your plans, and the paperwork looks good so far. Harriet has been with the DuPont family for nearly a year now and has settled in quite well. We typically avoid disrupting this settling-in phase. However,” she looks at me, a small, respectful smile on her lips, “your wife has been a consistent presence in her life, and Harriet is very attached to her auntie. You’d undoubtedly offer her stability and a loving home. This is a positive development, one that Stella didn’t hint at.”

I slip an arm around Stella. “Yes, we’ve always been close friends. We just didn’t realize how in love we were until recently. And with a baby on the way, we’ve decided now’s the best time to become a real family—with Harriet and her soon-to-be baby sister.”

Stella’s shocked gaze meets mine, and I respond with a reassuring smile and a wink. “It’s okay to share the news with Harriet’s caseworker,” I assure her in a low voice, then look back to Anita. “We’re still keeping it under wraps for now. Large family and all.”

“Of course, I completely understand,” Anita gushes, her enthusiasm palpable. “Congratulations to both of you. We will need to arrange an updated home study, but I’m pleased to say we will be considering these very strong points to move the adoption forward for you.”

Stella beams, her joy infectious. “Thank you!”

“Thank you for providing a home for Harriet.” Anita smiles.

I guide a somewhat dazed and grinning Stella out of the office and into the empty waiting room.

“Did that just happen? Is this really happening?”

“Oh yeah.” I lean in to whisper, “Congratulations. You did it.”

She throws her arms around my neck. “Oh my God, Ryan, thank you! So much.”

I pull her flush against me and bury my nose in her fragrant hair as her breath warms my neck. We stand like that for minutes because I’m reluctant to let her go. The last time I held her like this was at the Fairchild party. It feels like forever.

I move my hand to the small of her waist but can’t resist cupping the curve of her ass and gathering her against me. She gasps as she slowly looks up at me and I let myself get lost in her green gaze. My eyes invariably drift lower and lock on her moist, parted lips. Putting my mouth on her earlier ignited a raging fire that has burned through all my apprehension and restraint. In moments, the warning bells in my head fade, drowned out by the driving need to taste her again.

She leans toward me, aiming to kiss my jaw but I turn my head at the last minute so our lips collide instead. My mouth has barely touched hers when she jumps out of my arms.