Page 31 of Smoke's Flame

Within seconds we see him drop to the ground. He reaches down and pulls a tranquilizer dart from his thigh. By looking at the size of it, I think someone made a mistake. It looks like it’s meant for a fucking rhino, not the type we usually use. The Hound will be lucky if he doesn’t go into cardiac arrest. We need to find out who did that and re-educate them on tranq doses. I shoot Rigs an alarmed look and he nods, clearly thinking the same thing.

Quietly approaching the property, we see one of the Hounds walk out onto the porch and dump a bunch more junk onto the lawn. Seeing that pisses me off because our old ladies went through a lot of trouble to make this a nice getaway for the brothers, and these assholes are ruining it. We creep up on our outbuildings because they are between us and the cabin. The first is a small tool shed. It’s still locked up tight and looks unmolested. It’s the perfect size for someone to take cover behind if they are assigned to be lookouts.

Siege motions for me to scout out if it’s safe to proceed. I enjoy scouting because it proves I’m not just some fancy pants lawyer who doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. I carefully climb onto the top of the shed and see what’s behind it. Turning I show two fingers and give the signal that both are armed, one with a rifle. Tank and Dutch split apart and run around either side. I peer over the edge and silently jump down onto the one with the handgun before he realizes what’s happening, while my brothers tackle his friend. I hit him with the butt of my gun and watch him go down. By this time, my club brothers have disarmed the one with the rifle and are zip tying his hands behind his back and his feet together. I search my guy for any other weapons or communication equipment and zip tie him as well. Can’t have any of these fuckers popping back up for one final scare.

We start moving again but break apart as we get closer to the cabin so we can execute our separate assignments. The bulk of the brothers spread out over the remaining grounds and the rest of us converge on the cabin.

So far no one else had come back out to throw our shit around. We didn’t have to kick the door down because it is still standing wide open. Four of us run into the cabin. Siege and I head through the living room and into the kitchen area. Rider and Dutch headed upstairs.

The kitchen is clear. Siege runs into the mud room and calls out, “It’s clear here too.”

I hear a noise and creep closer to the half bath, next to the mud room. When I kick the door open, there are two Hounds hiding inside. By this point Siege is back at my side.

I shout, “Drop your fucking weapons if you want to live!”

One quickly lays his gun down on the back of the toilet and puts both hands on top of his head. The other tries to get off a shot. I shoot him in the shoulder before he can pull the trigger. Ignorant fuck thought he could draw down on a member of the Legion.

I step forward and kick his gun out of the way and give him a good kick in the ribs for being so damn stupid. I grab the smart one, the one that could follow directions, and haul him out of the bathroom. Siege snatches up the one bleeding all over the damn place.

We zip tie them both and Siege takes a look at the shoulder of our bleeder, he’ll live—I’d only fired a warning shot intended to graze. We haul them outside and sit them in the row with the other Hellfire Hounds that our club brothers have flushed out.

I notice several of our club brothers running with a water hose to put out a fire. Rigs runs out to find out what’s going on and comes back to report, “One of the fuckers set the pump house on fire. He thought it would distract us long enough for him to get away.”

Siege rolls his eyes, “Let me guess, would that have been an asshole by the name of Scrapper.”

Rigs nodded, “Yeah, he’s the only one stupid enough to try something like that.”

“Which one is he,” Siege demanded.

“The one in black ripped jeans with a busted lip.” Rigs grins, “Talon got tired of dealing with him and knocked him the fuck out.”

We look over and find someone that fits his description lying on his side. “That asshole is number one on my list of people to interrogate. He’s the one who thought it was a fucking great idea to break into our bar and terrorize our bartender.”

I didn’t want to say it out loud, but Scrapper was looking an awful lot like someone working hard on earning himself a dirt nap.

Right on time, our prospects bring the vans, and we load all eight of them up, to take them back to the clubhouse. Several of our club brothers stay behind to help the prospects clean up the mess the Hounds left behind. I get on my bike and go with our club officers as they escort the vans back.

Chapter 16


I can tell by the look on Siege’s face that he’d love to leave me behind to clear up, but he needs me if they’re going to interrogate the Hounds. I’m the club’s only attorney and can help them get information without resorting to violence. Of course, not all of them are going to be convinced by conventional means. That’s normally where Rigs steps in and I step out. I can’t afford to be present if anything more physical or unethical takes place, as it could impact on my law business. Plausible deniability all the way. I’m good cop and Rigs is bad cop. After about fifteen minutes alone with him, they normally get really cooperative.

We unload the Hounds at the clubhouse, and I help take the intruders down to the basement. We only have a couple of rooms we use for lock-up so we put them four to a room and chain them up far enough from each other that they can’t fight. Having them beat the crap out of each other would certainly solve our problems, but before that happens, we want to get as much intel from them as possible.

Rigs calls in the older doctor who sometimes patches up our guys, to check out the wounded. In addition to the Hound I shot, and tranq-boy, who’s sleeping like a baby, there are a couple of brothers and several more Hounds who need medical attention. Doc’s got his work cut out for him today.

I meet up with the club officers in Siege’s office.

The minute I walk in, Siege lays into me again. “Sit the fuck down. I’m not finished talking to you about Serena.”

I cross my arms over my chest and respond firmly, “I’ll stand if it’s all the same to you.”

Rigs jumps up from his chair and glares at me. “What the fuck did you do to our club princess?”

Dutch chimes in, “That’s Claw’s daughter. She deserves your respect.”

Tank’s eyes narrow on me. “You’d best tell us what the fuck you did to her, before we beat it out of you.”