Page 30 of Smoke's Flame

“You have to admit this was the best idea I’ve ever had.”

“Yes,” he says in such a deep, sexy voice that I have to glance over my shoulder to make sure it’s Smoke instead of some sex demon that took his place.

Chapter 15


Last night I made dreams come true for both of us. I have never been so into a woman in my whole life. I’ve dated a lot of women, even thought I was in love a time or two. However, being with Serena puts them all to shame. This is going to be the gold standard I spend the rest of my life measuring relationships by. And unfortunately, they’re all going to be epic fails after being with Serena.

She clearly considers me a cool way to pass the time until she decides what to do with her life. Only now, I realize I want more than a few weeks of some kind of friends with benefits hook ups. Knowing she doesn’t feel the same way about me that I do her, is hard on the ego. This situation is like heaven and hell at the same time.

I feel as though I’m caught in some kind of feedback loop where the more I touch her, the more I want her. My brain is scheming in the background, trying to figure out how to get her interested in a real relationship with me, more than having me as some kind of fuck buddy. I think we could be good together.

I go out to the front porch to grab the bag our prospects dropped off. I called earlier and asked Cleo to throw some of her stuff into a bag for her. She had refused to promise not to tell Siege, saying they didn’t keep secrets from each other. Nonetheless, I had tried to impress upon her how far off the rails he’d go if he found out one of the brothers was hooking up with his kid sister.

That’s why I’m not too surprised when I open my front door and find Siege standing there with his sister’s bag instead of a prospect. “So, you brought my sister home with you last night, amiright?”

Fucking hell. I rub one hand down my face knowing full well that I am going to end up having a confrontation with my club president over this.

“Look, it’s not what you think, boss.”

One hand comes up and he shoves me aside. “Did you sleep with her?”

I sigh and drop my head. “Maybe it is a little like what it seems.”

“Great,” he states, before punching me on the jaw with his free hand.

He hits me so hard I go staggering to the side. Serena is so fucking worth getting a beat down from her brother, I remind myself. Siege storms through my house and knocks on my bedroom door.

If I had my way, I’d pick up his hefty ass and fucking throw him out of my place. Unfortunately, that would do nothing to endear me to Serena. I hear her answer the door, they scream at each other for a few minutes, and he comes back out. “I brought her car. You’re coming with me. We have club business to sort out today.”

I cram my feet into my boots, pretty pissed that my day with Serena has been ruined by Siege. God only knows if I’ll get another chance to be with her. She might not want to be with me anymore if it’s going to enrage her brother this way. Siege clearly does not understand what he’s done. I want to argue that she’s no longer sixteen years old, she’s a grown woman who’s able to make her own decisions. But I know better than to open my mouth when he’s in this kind of mood. I might be a smooth-talking lawyer, but here I’m nothing but a huge pain in my club president’s ass. “What the hell kind of business do we have today?”

“The Hellfire Hounds are headed out to our lakeside cabin. We’re all meeting up out there to kick some ass. You should thank them, because before finding out they were up to no good, my plan was to spend the morning kicking your ass.”

I opened my safe and took out two handguns and extra clips and got my bulletproof vest from the closet. “Look, you don’t have to act like a crazy controlling asshole. This is a choice you’re making. A shitty one apparently designed to drive your sweet sister away. The thing is, she just got here and I kind of like her.”

“Too damn bad. She’s not for you, or any other club brother,” he spat out with more vehemence than I ever thought he’d use with me.

I strap on my vest, pulled a t-shirt over it and then my cut before speaking. “You sound like you’re channeling your old man. Claw was the one who thought none of us were good enough for her. You always said she’d be lucky to end up with a brother.” We stepped outside. “What the fuck changed?”

“I decided she needs a life free of the club. Our old ladies get targeted all the time for the shit we do. I want better for my sister than that, especially after what happened with Nicole.” He storms off to get on his bike and I follow suit.

Personally, I think my club president is being ridiculous. Everybody in this town knows Serena Sommers is associated with the Savage Legion. She’s the founder’s daughter and the current president’s sister. To my way of thinking, she is already at risk. The thing that would mitigate that risk was being with a strong brother who could offer her the protection she needs. Why couldn’t Siege see that?


Siege races out to the cabin like a bat out of hell, and I stay close behind him. I’m more than ready for whatever goes down. When we arrive, I realize that Siege has almost every brother in our club out this morning. There are at least a dozen of us at the rendezvous point and probably more on the way. A mist is hanging heavy near the ground because it’s early morning and it rained all night, and dew is still clinging to the undergrowth as we tromp over the waterlogged soil.

Tank steps out to meet us. “As near as we can tell there are at least eight members of the Hellfire Hounds MC on the premises. They’ve broken into the cabin, rifled through our belonging and even threw shit out into the yard.”

“Because there are no neighbors for miles around, they’re brazen as fuck,” I point out. “They think they can do what the fuck they like.”

“Well, they’re about learn they can’t,” Siege states decisively.

We make quick plans about who will cover what part of the grounds, pull out our weapons and approach the cabin on foot. We hear a large pop over to the right, when we move closer, we see one of the Hounds with a rifle shooting at a transformer near the road.

“Will someone take that fucker out?” Siege whispers into his wireless mic.