Page 12 of Massimo

I was aiming for the eyeholes of the attackers’ masks – and I got lucky.

One of the bastards immediately went down.

By this point, the mafia goons were dropping all around me like flies –

But I made it to the Widow.

She was crouched down in her throne, a frail little figure with her hands clasped over her head.

I realized that no one had tried to shoot her, though. Her wooden throne was untouched by bullets.

If the intruders had wanted to kill her, they could have just walked ten feet to the left and had a wide-open shot –

Which meant they weren’t trying to kill her.

The Widow was the prize –

Which meant I had to protect her at all costs.

Dumping my human shield of a corpse, I pulled the Widow out of the throne and threw her to the dais floor –

And then roared like a lion as I toppled the throne on its side.

The thing was a relic of the Renaissance, a giant sculpture carved from a single block of wood. It must have weighed at least 700 pounds, but my normal strength was tripled by the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The throne crashed to the ground with a BOOM –

Then I dove to the floor behind it and slid the Widow over next to me.

Three of the intruders were still standing.

Their assault rifles were still firing –

Until they stopped.



They were out of bullets.

In reality, two of them had probably already run out of bullets and were in the process of reloading. I only heard the momentary silence when the third shooter ran out.

I popped up over the side of the toppled throne and fired just as I’d practiced hundreds of times with Lars.


A double-tap to the head put one intruder down –

Then I aimed my gun at the one beside him and caught him mid-reload.


A puff of red mist exploded from his balaclava as he went over backwards.

Unfortunately, there was one intruder left –

And I heard the clack-CLACK of him chambering the first round.