Page 13 of Massimo

I ducked back down as he opened fire.




He was firing in bursts of three, not full automatic.

Unfortunately, all he had to do was walk around the throne and he would have me dead to rights –

So I took a gamble.

Not much of a gamble, really, when the alternative is certain death.

I crawled on my belly around the top of the overturned throne.

I was expecting the gunman to come around the other side – the bottom of the throne.

If he really was here to kidnap the Widow, he would hold his fire when he saw her –

Which is exactly what he did.

I was already on the other side of the throne when I heard the shooting pause.

That’s when I popped up like a jack-in-the-box and shot him through the left eye.


He collapsed to the ground.

In the silence that followed, I checked to make sure the other intruders were actually down for the count.

When I saw one of them twitching, I put another bullet in his head for good measure.


Six shots fired from my gun. I had no idea how many bullets had been in the magazine before I started, so I grabbed another pistol off the floor from one of the fallen suits.

Then I hurried around the side of the throne to check on the Widow.

She was peering with wide eyes at the carnage all around her.

She looked tiny and frail – like a doll in a Victorian funeral dress.

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

She glanced up at me and nodded once.

I was surprised to see no fear in her eyes.

Over the years, I’d witnessed several people staring death in the face – often because I was pointing a gun at them. The vast majority had been terrified.

Not the Widow. She just seemed to be on heightened alert – nothing more.

“Thank you, Signor Rosolini,” she said in a croaking voice.

“You’re welcome,” I said –