Page 52 of Cross To Bear

Trusted them.

“Yes, please, Hawk…”

I told myself I was begging for this to end, that I just needed him to fuck me harder, faster with his fingers, for Crash to suck my clit in rapid little pulses, though that wasn’t it. He saw it, I saw it and I think this was what Crash was planning all along, because right as my breath came in sharp little pants, that inevitable spill over into bliss right there, ready for the taking. Hawk jerked to his feet, stepping over the front seat into the other aisle, his hand pulling free, still damp, as he grabbed mine and dragged me down the steps.

I stumbled like a drunk woman and that’s what I felt like, my head swimming with lust, but more than that. This strange, spacey kind of elation that just had me smiling at the other patrons as we passed them, their gazes drawn by our sudden exit. I was pulled outside the complex, then to the car, Hawk shoving me against the side of the truck as he placed his hands around my face and kissed me so sweetly. The softness of it took me by surprise, even as my own mouth moved to respond.

“I think our girl is ready, brother.” Crash leaned against the side of the truck, watching the two of us with weary eyes, even as he smiled. “Time to get her home.”

They said I was in control, so why was the truck unlocked and I was wedged into the front seat between them? Why did Hawk drive through the streets with mechanical efficiency, not to pull up outside my place, but theirs? Why did Crash open the door, then drag me out and then hoist me over his shoulder, carrying me inside? The house was curiously still and silent as he marched me down the hall, kicking open a door and into a room that smelled of sandalwood and motor oil.

“Dunno about you, but I’m done playing,” he growled. “The bear is riding me so fucking hard.” I saw white fur prickle across his skin, my eyes widening as claws formed. “I can put you in this room and lock the door, and take fur in the backyard or…?”

That was the sensible thing to do, wasn’t it? It was definitely what I should have agreed to. While I didn’t have a bear to excuse my behaviour, I did have this. A need to stop fucking thinking, stop analysing, stop worrying. As Hawk came to stand beside him, I knew that’d be what they gave me.

“Or you can come here and finish what you started,” I said, spreading my thighs wide, just to see their eyes glow with an unholy light.

Chapter 31


Finish what I started… I shook my head slowly, grinning as I ground my teeth together. But my hands worked of their own accord, jerking open my belt buckle and working it free of the loops of my jeans, and she watched every damn second of it.

That was one of the many things I loved about Maddie, that wicked gleam that flickered in her eyes when she let her walls down. I felt a moment of triumph as I saw it, then watched it flare brighter as I jerked my zip open and eased my cock out.

That little widening of her eyes, I’d never get over seeing that as she took me in, all of me, her lips falling open slightly on automatic. Yeah, that’s what I wanted. Her opening herself to me, not just now but forever. I’d take right now if that was all that was on offer, giving my length a long stroke, feeling the shivers that ran down my spine, right as her hands moved suddenly to pull her own clothes free.

She was like a beautiful butterfly, fighting her way free of her stifling cocoon. That cute little flippy skirt was wrestled down and tossed onto my bedroom floor, followed by her blouse. I pulled my own shirt off, buttons rattling around the room, because I couldn’t allow myself the time to undo them properly, not when her hands went to her bra. Those fucking tits—generous swells I’d watched so damn close, mapping their shape, wanting to heft them in my hands and learn their weight—they were suddenly revealed as she eased the lingerie off.

And that’s when Hawk came to stand beside me, a low groan escaping his throat.

We weren’t a suitable audience for this. Just a pair of hungry, desperate boys when she deserved a military salute with all the honours. We sucked in the sight of her until our persistent staring had her pausing.

“No.” I shook my head to emphasise my point. “Don’t stop, Maddie. There’s no fucking stopping now, not unless…”

Just like a good girl, her cheeks flushed pink, those eyes gleaming all the brighter as she tossed the bra to the floor.

That was a trigger for me, as sure as a starter gun, because I surged forward. I still had my jeans on, my fucking work boots, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from covering her body with mine. I wanted her pinned to my bed, unable to wriggle away and right when I had her close, I wanted…

“Ready?” I asked, the bear’s growl in my voice.

He was pacing back and forth, back and forth, with the kind of compulsive behaviour a wild animal trapped in a cage might display. That he couldn’t be the one to do this, that none of his predator tactics were of any use right now killed him, but as I stared into Maddie’s eyes, catching that little nod, I placated him with this.

Women don’t know how fucking seductive their cunts are, because that first wet kiss on the end of my cock had me hissing like I was in pain. Sometimes pleasure worked that way, becoming so fucking intense it was like it hurt. I felt that ache in my balls and my heart, as I slammed in. Wet, hot, slick, she enveloped me, sucked me in and made me feel like I was exactly where I was supposed to be, which had me pulling back and staring down at her.


I wanted to say more, so fucking much more. It was a heavy weight in my chest, right as I felt like I was going to float away, spiral up and into the air.


“No,” I growled, “call me by my real name when I make you come.”

Her brows creased slightly as she searched my face, then her legs wrapped around my hips, pulling me that last few centimetres deeper into her. I hit her limits and wanted to punch deeper, force myself right into the core of her, until I was lodged so deep, I could never be pulled free, but then she said what I wanted to hear.


She didn’t get to finish whatever she was about to say. I was moving, pulling back just far enough to feel myself slam deep.