Her voice was a rope around my neck, urging me on, her nails raking across my shoulders, marking me up. Yes, that, the bear roared, wanting them scoring me, leaving scars behind.
Marks that would never fade.
Just like my need, my desire, the feeling pulsing in my heart, transported around my body just like my blood.
She sighed my name like some kind of sensual prayer, and I answered her call.
“Right here, baby. Right fucking here.”
I propped myself up on my arms, not wanting to squash her with my weight, even as my instincts demanded that I should, but that’s when my hips started to really move. Long, deep strokes, pulling out almost to the tip, her cunt sucking on me, enticing me right back in as I thrust hard. Continuously, her coos of pleasure were music to my fucking ears, right as my brother threw himself down on the bed, naked.
She turned towards him and I wanted to both tilt her lips right back to mine, while also watching the two of them kiss, just like they did right now. Because I felt her cunt clutch around me, strangling me so fucking sweetly, pleasure so intense that it threatened to destroy my control, rippling up my spine. So when she pulled away, I kissed her too, sucking on her plush, pillowy lips, wanting to crawl inside her mouth, right as I slammed back inside her.
“How’s he making you feel?”
Hawk’s voice was a ragged intrusion as he tried to school his voice to calm, though I heard it. That hunger for details, for feedback, for reassurance that I was doing her right, because I saw the claws forming at the ends of his fingers, ready to tear me apart if I wasn’t.
“Full…” she ground out, her head thrown back. “So full… Cayden, I need…”
Hawk’s attention snapped to me, his lips peeling back in a silent snarl, demanding that I attend to her, but he didn’t know. What she needed, we couldn’t give her, not yet. The spot inside her that softened and swelled, providing the perfect place for our baculums to lock down inside her, would be radiating right now, each stroke making that need grow.
I hauled her up into my arms, cradling her there, her eyes staring into mine, her lips falling open, making clear I was hitting the right place. The angle of the position forced my dick hard against the front wall of her cunt, and she had to settle for that right as my body began to really work.
I knew what she needed, her floral scent swirling in my nose, giving me explicit instructions I’d never been able to pick up before now. Fuck her, fill her, give her everything I had. So I did, in short, brutal strokes, no longer able to pull so far out of her, when I felt this.
Her closing tight around me, making every nerve ending in my length scream with pleasure. My balls tightened in anticipation, as her arms went around my neck and she met me stroke for stroke, our bodies crashing together like the sea against the cliffs.
“Cayden, I…”
The way she looked just then, all pink and flushed, her eyes shining as she stared wide eyed and shocked. My brain took a snapshot, storing it away as a core memory that would be pulled out again and again on shitty days.
“You’re coming,” I ground out. “You’re gonna come all over my fucking cock, aren’t you, Maddie? Right fucking now.”
The snap of my voice seemed to hit her physically, her whole body stiffening and that’s when I felt it. Long, rolling ripples, clutching at my cock, my baculum shifting inside me, being forced out, even as I locked my fangs down and stopped the bone from jutting out through sheer will alone.
“Cayden… Cayden… I…”
There were no fucking words for this. No fucking words for her, for the feel of her around me, as I erupted inside her, blasting out all of my need, my desire, burning her, just as it scalded me. I listened to the savage music of her sobs of pleasure, like it was my favourite song, my breaths forming a counterpoint until our bodies came to a stop.
It was the shine of her eyes, that shocked smile, followed by a wild peal of laughter that broke my fucking heart. She was free, flying high right now and I’d put her there, so perhaps that’s why I kissed her hard, feeling her teeth and mine grinding against each other before I forced myself to pull free.
“No, I… No!”
She grabbed at my shoulders, trying to stop me, but I looked down, seeing the spill of my seed making her all red and flushed.
“You need more.” I stated that plainly, and her smile faltered a little, that fear threatening to rise again, right before she nodded. I looked across at Hawk, seeing all of the tension in his body. He was wound so fucking tight he’d snap if you flicked him. “Hawk can give you that and I…” I touched my cock gingerly, the skin feeling way too sensitive, even as I felt the curl of something sinuous lurking in my balls, ready to unleash a poisonous pleasure. “I’ll give you more when he’s done. Over and over until you’re done, baby. That’s what we do.”
She wasn’t hearing me, her focus entirely on Hawk as he moved slowly. Did she see the reverence in his eyes as he settled between her thighs? Did she catch the shudder of pleasure as she stroked her hands compulsively over his chest? Did she know what those tattoos on his chest meant as she traced them with her fingers? I didn’t get to ask her, because my brother reached down, moving slowly but surely to brush the head of his cock over flesh already swollen with use.
I knew he watched her response like I did, catching the moment when her back arched, like she was trying to pull away, right as her thighs spread wider to make it easier for him to drive into her. Reaching for us and pulling away, that was the dance we were trapped in with Maddie, one whose steps were all too familiar. Right as I moved up the bed—kissing my girl, sucking down her moan as Hawk pushed himself deeper, stroking her breasts, her throat—I felt the rapid beat of her pulse under my fingers, caught the moment it picked up, and then I glanced back at my brother. Sure enough, his eyes were closed, just for a second, as he savoured this moment and I knew then exactly what he was feeling.
That disbelief that the hot, velvety suck of her cunt could feel so fucking good, but spiralling in all that bliss was a sure knowledge. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough, because just as she started to sigh, her body responding to him as he began to move, that hunger wakening, we felt a similar one burning in our chests. Not just to fuck the one woman in the world for us, but to claim her, mind, body and soul.
That was what had my fingers biting down, claws pricking her throat, right as I kissed her over and over, as I tried to trick myself into believing that right now was enough.