“I’d do anything for her,” I say simply, looking down at the baby.

“I know.”

I look back at him. He’s still watching me.

His gaze drops to my mouth. He’s thinking about kissing me.

I remember how he kissed me out on the deck. It took me by surprise, but I was convinced it was just for show. It was hardly a smooch—despite my teasing, he didn’t use his tongue; he just pressed his lips to mine and held them there.

But for some reason it was the sexiest, most erotic kiss I think I’ve ever had. Maybe it was because I’ve felt so close to him lately and yet so far away too; he’s been tantalizingly out of reach. But it made my nipples tighten in my bra, and other parts of me clench in ways they haven’t done in a long, long time.

He continues to look at my mouth. Then he finally lifts his gaze to mine.

We look into each other’s eyes for about ten seconds. His are the color of a tropical sea, his thoughts and desires swimming behind them like exotic fish. He wants me—I can feel it. Words desert me. I can’t even breathe.

He tears his gaze away. He looks out of the window, at the garden, for a moment. Then he straightens.

“See you tomorrow,” he says, and he goes out and closes the door behind him.


On Saturday, Alex, Tyson, and Henry come over to the house to work with James on the presentation for Sydney the following weekend. Henry volunteers to go with Tyson, suggesting the two of them do the keynote speech together, and to my surprise, James agrees.

Missie, Gaby, Juliette, and I settle them around the dining table with coffee and plenty of snacks, and then, with Leia, we head into the city to do some shopping.

“This is a gorgeous car,” Missie announces as we buckle ourselves into the Range Rover, her in the front, the other two in the back with Leia. “I can’t believe James bought it for you.” She doesn’t come from the rich background that the guys and Gaby do, so she’s still impressed by expensive gifts.

“I know. I was hesitant to accept it, but I figured it’ll keep Leia a lot safer than my battered old car.” I go down the drive, through the gates, then head toward the city. “So, where are we going first today?”

“Coffee shop,” Gaby says, and the others nod.

I laugh. “Right.” I decide to park near the Riverside Market and take them to Café Kiwi, one of my favorite coffee spots.

“So…” Juliette says once we’re on the state highway. “Come on, spill the beans. What happened between you and James? I remember you saying at Gaby’s hen night that you really liked him, but I thought he’d blown it after the trivia night.”

I glance at Missie, then in my rearview mirror at Gaby. I could just continue with the ruse and pretend that James and I are so deeply in love that we’re getting married, and I’m sure the other two would go along with it. And I know he’d rather everyone wasn’t aware of our plan. But I like Juliette. She’s honest to a fault sometimes, but she’s kind and generous, and she’s been nothing but nice to me. I don’t want to lie to her.

“Actually,” I say slowly, “I have something to tell you.”

“Oh?” She glances at the others and realizes she’s out of the loop.

“James has asked me to marry him.” Before her eyes fall out of her head, I quickly tell her the details behind the arrangement.

“What happens after he gets the Parenting Order?” Juliette asks.

I shrug. “I’ll move out, and we’ll start divorce proceedings.”

“What about Leia?”

My throat tightens. “I suppose he’ll find her another nanny.”

Silence falls in the car.

Eventually, Missie says, “Is that what you want?”

“No,” I say honestly. “I love her, and I’d like to continue to look after her. But I’m not sure I can share a house with James once he starts dating other women.”

“What a muddle,” Juliette says softly. “Why is love so complicated?”