She nods and rises, and gradually everyone else starts getting up, too.
I touch Missie’s arm and lead her off to one side. “Um, I know that Alex has told you what James and I are planning to do,” I murmur, feeling the need to explain. I like Missie, and I don’t want to offend her. “I just wanted to say I understand if you disapprove. I do believe in the sanctity of marriage. But Leia’s birth father is a real piece of work, and I’ll do anything I can to make sure James can keep her.”
“I don’t disapprove,” Missie says, surprised. “At least, not for that reason. I understand why you’re doing it. I’m just worried about you both, that’s all.”
“Oh. Why?”
She smiles and shakes her head. “No reason. I’m sure it’ll all work out fine.”
Alex comes up and slides his arm around her. “Are you ready?”
She nods, and we rejoin the others, heading into the living room.
Everyone exchanges kisses and hugs, and gradually people begin heading for the door. Some linger, wanting to talk to James, and I know it’s going to take a while for everyone to go.
“I’m going to put Leia down,” I tell him.
“All right, thanks.” He turns back to his guests.
Waving goodbye to those I know, I head off to the west wing of the house. It’s much quieter here, thankfully, and I give a long sigh. Our normal routine has vanished tonight, as Leia has already had her last bottle, so I give her a quick wash and change, dress her in a cute onesie, then sit in the rocking chair and read to her while she sucks contentedly on her dummy and watches the birds pecking crumbs from the feeder on the deck.
When her eyelids start drooping, I kiss her forehead, lift her into her bassinet, and draw the covers over her. I wind up her mobile so the characters move around while the lullaby plays, but she’s nearly asleep.
I lean on the side of the bassinet and look down at her. I think she’s the most beautiful baby in the world. I know mothers are usually biased, but I’m not her mother, and so I’m surprised by the strength of my feelings for her. I suppose it’s because her real mother has died, and she came so close to being snatched up by that horrible man and his wife. I so hope James gets the Parenting Order and custody of her. The judge wouldn’t rule in Blue’s favor, surely? Not when James—handsome, wealthy, and married—so obviously wants to do this for his sister?
The door opens behind me, and James comes in and walks over to join me at the bassinet.
“Hey,” he says softly, leaning beside me.
We both look down at Leia for a while, our arms just touching. I can feel the heat of his skin through the cotton of his shirt.
Eventually, I glance at him. “So are you going to let her call you Daddy?”
He sighs. “I suppose. Better me than Blue, right?”
“I think so.”
He sighs again.
“You look shattered,” I tell him. “Why not go to bed?”
“I will once the caterers have finished cleaning up.” His eyes meet mine. “I wanted to thank you.”
I smile. “What for?”
“For being there for me today. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You’d have been fine,” I scoff. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You did more than you realize.”
I’ve released my hair from its chignon, and to my surprise, he reaches out, picks up a strand, and runs it through his fingers. “I’d forgotten how silky it is,” he murmurs.
I hold my breath. Even though he’s not touching my skin, it still makes me shiver.
He lets the strand curl around his forefinger. “I wanted to say thank you again, for agreeing to marry me.”