Chapter Twenty-Five

Hearing yellingas he walked into his house when he knew none of his kids were there was an odd experience. Setting down his briefcase, he walked into the living room to find Agatha sitting on Lucy, who was on the floor yelling at her sister to get off, but Agatha was tickling her. Bea was on the floor also, holding her arms down so she couldn’t defend herself.

Before he could get them to stop, Lucy walked out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of chips and said, “You guys better stop. Leo doesn’t like fighting in the house.”

But the sisters were not listening, so she tossed the contents of the bowl on them. The action stopped with the introduction of chips, and each grabbed a handful of as they separated and started eating.

“Maby is a shithead and deserves it, all of it,” Agatha told Lucy.

“Truth!” Bea yelled. “She is acting more and more like Cliff.”

That earned Bea a handful of chips down her shirt by Mabel. “You two are annoying.”

“You’re rubbing our noses in your smarts!” Agatha argued.

“Not my fault I’m the only one who’s gone to college.” Mabel threw a handful of chips at Agatha.

“Hey, I went to college. Four years of it,” Bea stated.

“Beatrix Potter, you should have saved your money.” Mabel looked down at her sister.

“I happen to have more money than you do, Mabel Lucie,” Bea stated with a smirk.

“The Scotts have more money than Jonas does,” Mabel said.

“You do not have all the Scott money, but I happen to have all of Jonas’s money.” Bea grinned.

“I am out of the ‘whose fucking billionaire husband has more money’ fight, but let me tell you about this guy I met last weekend.” Agatha stretched her arms out so that her hands were two feet apart.

“Liar, Agatha!” Bea threw chips at her and laughed.

“Really, you two. You both would be married to the same guys even if they had nothing. I know this because neither one of you has gotten a new car since you got married, and you both still steal clothes from each other. Beatrix, I am living out of a fucking suitcase, and you stole that shirt from me today!” Lucy said from the couch.

“Jonas will buy me a new car, I just haven’t found the right one,” Bea said, taking off the T-shirt and throwing it at Lucy but missing, leaving her in a yellow bra.

For her part, Mabel pulled off the sweatshirt she had been wearing this morning and gave it to her little sister. “We might be the worst women to ever marry into money.”

“How are you doing, Luce?” Bea pulled on the sweatshirt and flopped down next to her sister.

“Good. Bored,” she admitted. “Thanks for fighting, it was fun to watch.”

“Anytime. Next time we can take down Harper,” Agatha said, getting off the floor finally.

“Hello, ladies?” Leo said, letting them know he was there. But he wondered if they had known and not cared.

“Finally!” Agatha said, “I can leave. Her supper is in the oven, and she likes to sleep with a little pink blanket. She might cry if she doesn’t have it. And I put a little whiskey in her bottle, so she should sleep like a baby tonight.”

Leo couldn’t help but chuckle at the woman as she left the house. Her snarky attitude was great. It reminded him of Lucy.

“Hey, Leo,” Bea said and pointed at Lucy. “The buns are still in the oven, so we did okay.”

“That’s what I like to see. Did you make her day fun?” Leo knew they had.

“Yes, we did. It was so fun here that I came back after class. It’s a nice house, but we might have cleaned a little. Lucy is a pig,” Mabel said, looking at the chips all over the floor now.

Leo smiled. “I hire people for that.” Lucy didn’t have to clean up after herself.

“I would suggest getting another.” Mabel toed a few chips into a pile, then found one on her shirt and ate it.