“So, who is working tomorrow?” he asked the two remaining sisters.

“I’m here in the morning, then Agatha,” Bea replied, brushing a few chip crumbs from her borrowed sweatshirt.

Leo nodded. “Thank you all for doing this. I feel better knowing she’s not alone.”

“You are so fucking lucky Mom isn’t here. That would have gotten you a hug.” Mabel chuckled.

“And she would have cried,” Lucy added.

“And Harrison would have slapped you and told you not to make Mom cry.” Bea grinned.

“Well, I have to go. I’ve got a loving husband to love on,” Bea said breathily, making the twins groan at her.

“I am going too. Supper is in the oven and all. Lucy knows the rest.” Mabel waved and followed the redhead out of the house.

The door closed, finally leaving him alone with Lucy. She was in leggings and a green T-shirt that said “LLLINOS” in purple letters. It was way too big for her, but she looked like she was comfortable for her day on the couch.

“Thank you for sending reminders today. I almost missed my three p.m. meeting.” He went over to her and kissed her forehead.

She gave him a lopsided grin. “I was just sitting here doing nothing. You have a hard time remembering the ones later in the day.”

“I am going to change and then get supper ready.” He turned to leave the living room.

“Okay, I will be sitting here, holding the couch down.” She flopped back onto it and pulled a blanket off the back and over her head.

“Do you want me to carry you elsewhere?” He smiled at her dramatics.

A muffled “no” was all she said. Leaving her on the couch, he hurried to their room and changed into jeans and a plain gray T-shirt. Looking around the room, he didn’t know if Lucy cleaned or her sisters, but the room was spotless, and Lucy’s suitcase was gone from the floor.

Back downstairs he found her in the kitchen, looking in the oven. Her ass pointed at him, so he could appreciate it.

“What are you doing up?” he demanded.

“Making sure everything was going alright in here,” she stated, as if that was allowed on bed rest.

He pointed to a stool. “Sit down.”

“I’m okay. I’m not used to sitting all day for two days in a row,” she insisted but walked over to the stool.

“You had better get used to it, Lucy.”

“I just can’t fall off a stage again, I’m not planning that. They seem to not be in such a hurry to leave now, though.” She patted her belly.

“Harper was the only one not here today. So, why is Harper so mad at you?” he asked.

“I don’t know, really. We used to work together, but she said I should get a different job, and I did. She didn’t want me anymore.” She bit her lip, but he saw it quiver before she could hide it.

“Something must have happened. Maybe you don’t remember.” Except her memory was excellent.

“I remember.” She looked at the counter and watched her fingers tap.

The subject was making her sad. It made her sister mad, but Lucy just got sad. Taking her tapping hands in his, he asked, “Your twin said something about a tattoo and you.”

“I don’t have any. She does.” Her smile came back.

“I don’t believe you,” he teased.

“Hey, I am not the one with a sleeve, Mr. I wear a suit every day to hide mine.” She laughed.