Chapter Twenty

It wasodd that today was his last day of freedom before his third marriage. It had passed like any other day. Even meeting Cliff Scott at a dive bar downtown didn’t seem weird or like it was his last night as a single man.

Walking into the Grog, which was the same bar his kid had gotten drunk in not that long ago, he looked for Lucy’s friend. It was then that he realized he had no idea what he looked like. That was until a hand shot up and waved at him as if they had known each other forever.

Walking over to the man with a gray shirt that said “Grand Cannon” on it, Leo and Cliff shook hands.

“So, you nabbed my Lucy!” Cliff said in way of greeting.

“I did.” He wondered how close they really were. The guy was married to her twin, her very identical twin.

“Do you think you’re man enough? Lovelys are crazy!” The man said it with a huge smile on his face.

“That’s what I hear, but Lucy doesn’t seem too bad.” He sat down across from Cliff.

“She has you fooled, man. Lucy is the worst. She can drink me under the table and has done so dozens of times. But she’s as sweet as honey. Not as cute as Maby, but still cute.” He grinned. Did he realize he said they were both cute?

Dismissing the statement, he asked, “How do you tell them apart? Any secrets?”

“I just can. After you meet them both, you know who is who. Their personalities are opposite. Well, they used to be, but they’re a lot closer since Luce started working for you.”

“So, no help?”

“I guess the one that stands out the most is Lucy has a hyperactivity disorder, so she’s constantly moving. She can’t stop it. Maby doesn’t do that, but she can mimic it, so watch out.” Cliff shrugged.

“I thought she was nervous and that’s why she moved a lot.”

If it was an uncontrollable thing, then he wondered if she was ever really nervous. Then he realized there were times when she stopped moving—was she nervous then? He would have to keep his eye on her and see if it was true.

“Nope, she’s done it all her life according to Maby, but she doesn’t have attention issues, very much that is. When she would visit my place, I would leave out little things she could monkey with when she needed to. The tapping gets to me sometimes,” Cliff admitted and waved over a waitress.

“I’ll have to try that, find some stuff. So, did you date Lucy before settling for Mabel?” he asked after giving the woman his order.

“I did not settle for Maby; she is the love of my life. No, I never dated Lucy or anything else. Lucy’s just my best friend,” Cliff said and waved at the door. “Jonas and Harrison are here.”

Leo looked at the door and watched two men come their way. Each grabbed an empty chair and sat down, waving at the waitress to come back to the table.

“Hello, Leo, nice to see you again.” Harrison shook his hand.

Jonas did the same. “I am married to Bea. Just married.”

“Are you sure they’re coming here for karaoke?” Harrison looked around the bar. It was quiet and a dive.

“Yes, they always come to the Grog, it’s their home bar. I’ve crawled to their house from here myself. They hate to love this place,” Cliff said, looking around as well.

The waitress dropped off Leo’s beer and took drink orders from the other men. “I don’t know if Kaine or Harper are coming. I have never seen a Lovely carry out a silent grudge this long,” Cliff stated.

“I barely notice it. Sera said Leo here gave Harper a talking down about slamming Lucy into the wall.” Harrison slapped him on the back.

“Someone’s going to get hurt if they keep it up,” Leo defended his actions.

“They do. Agatha had her arm broken, and they’ve all had so many black eyes and bruises on them. The sad thing is that they all do it, even Sera’s gone after them,” Jonas said with a laugh.

“No, she does not,” Harrison argued.

“Oh, yeah. Buzz has told me some great stories,” Jonas replied, and Cliff nodded in agreement.

Harrison just glared at him for a while, but Jonas turned to Leo and said, “When I first met his kid, the eight-year-old, she told me that every one of them had sex in the kitchen.”