Chapter Nineteen

With plans tomeet up the next day after work, at least for the women, Leo escorted her out of the restaurant. Sera and Harrison were paying the bill and had parked in a different area than she had, so they stayed behind and let the engaged couple leave.

On the sidewalk, Leo surprised her by taking her hand as they walked the short distance to her car. Did that mean he wasn’t going to call the whole thing off? Because she would; her mom had not held back on the stories, and the only thing she hadn’t told him was that Lucy was stupid, though it would’ve fit right into the slutty, misbehaving kid vibe the woman was trying to sell him. Unfortunately, it had all been true.

“So, what do you call them? Your parents?” Leo asked.

“Sometimes, but mostly just Sera and Harrison. Sorry about them, by the way. Mom loves to tell stories.”

“It was interesting. I realized how little I knew about you.” Leo smiled.

“So, who can I pump for information about your misspent youth?” She knew less about him, and after tonight, she was way behind on knowledge.

“Probably Kelly, my first ex. She likes to say ‘she knew me when.’” His words made her wonder what he had been like in his youth. His tattoo said that he hadn’t always been as button-down as he was now, even if she couldn’t see him that way.

“She’s nice. Always willing to keep me up to date on the kids’ schedules for you. The other, not so much.” Lucy hadn’t liked that one from the beginning. Kelly had always been helpful, willing to forward emails and activity schedules with her. Stacy had kept those things close unless she wanted Leo there or money to pay for the activity.

“Stacy can be difficult. Has been since the beginning,” Leo said with a sigh.

“Yes, she can. I’m just over there.” She pointed at her blue Jeep and pulled her hand away from his. “See you tomorrow.”

“I’ll walk you over there, Lucy.” He quickly grabbed her hand again. “Why Jeeps? Harrison said you all drive Jeeps.”

“Mom and Agatha can fix them, and most minor things we all can do. So, we get Jeeps. Harper has a Land Rover now, but everyone else has Jeeps.” She leaned against her door.

“You can fix this?” he asked, tapping the car on one side of her.

“Some things, yes. Agatha is better at it, though. But if it doesn’t start, you have to call Mom.” She shrugged and smiled.

“Mom, who I just had dinner with?” He pointed in the direction they had come.

“That’s her. She’s willing to talk about my sex life and can fix a Jeep.” Lucy blushed. Usually, she owned her past, but tonight it was awkward. Today it was with her fiancé, who she hadn’t had sex with yet. “She can embarrass me pretty easily.”

“I think you gave as good as you got.” He chuckled and reached out to cup her cheek.

His touch shouldn’t have been as comforting as it was, and she should’ve pulled away as fast as she could, but she didn’t. Couldn’t.

“Thanks. I held back, but so did she. There were many times where I had messed up that she didn’t bring up.”

“Because she doesn’t always see them as mess-ups. That’s what parenting is about.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, Lucy. See you tomorrow.”

He pulled back slightly, and she looked into his eyes in the dim light. Unable to stop herself, she leaned towards him let her lips brush his. Just for a moment, she let herself enjoy being there without being reminded that he wasn’t in love with her, and he was never going to be. That it was all fake.

“Goodnight, Leo.” She pulled away quickly, too quickly.

Frowning, he straightened and looked at her for a moment and said again, “Goodnight Lucy.”

Then he turned and walked away from her, leaving her pressed against her cold Jeep, wondering how she could have kissed him, how she could have let it happen. She knew better. She was supposed to be smarter than that, except she was never smart.

Climbing into her Jeep, she was afraid that despite everything, she was falling for him. Stupidly falling for him.