My eyes feel so heavy and I let them drift closed as I try to catch my breath. Niko runs his hands up and down my sides, his warm breath brushing against my heated skin.

“I’ve got you, mate,” is the last thing I hear before sleep claims me.



I feel like a god.I want to beat my chest, to roar in glory as my mate sleeps peacefully upstairs.

I made her come. I made Elle come last night just from rubbing against her. I can still smell her arousal now, and I wish that I could have rubbed her juices all over my face and body. I wouldn’t have showered or washed it off for days.

I flip the pancakes in the pan, smiling to myself as I make us breakfast. Elle is still asleep, and I’ve decided to let her get her rest.

My phone rings and I answer it, already knowing that it’s one of the guys. They’re the only ones that ever call me.

“Yeah?” I answer.

“Hey, boss. Are you coming in today?”

“No, I’m going to keep Elle here. It’s already looking like it’s going to storm,” I say, glancing out the window at the darkening sky. “I wanted to see if we could do some patrols before then and try to find her stalker.”

“You got it. Anywhere in particular that you want us to start the search?”

“You’d need to talk to Gunner. He had a trail, I think.”

“Okay, oh, hold on, he just walked in.”

I can hear Davis talking to Gunner about where he last smelled the stalker.

“By a trail leading towards the ski resort. I’m pretty sure that the snowmobile he was on was from the resort too,” Gunner says.

“That makes sense. There’s not really anywhere else for tourists to go,” I comment.

“True. Okay, we’ll head that way. I’m going to call in Ash, Flint, and Alec. After the storm and stuff, we might need their help too.”

“It’s supposed to practically be a blizzard all day,” Gunner says, and I glance out the window again to see flurries already coming down.

I doubt that her stalker will be on the move today either then. Not if another storm is coming.

“Keep me in the loop,” I say.

“Will do, boss,” Davis says.

We hang up, and I get back to breakfast. I can hear the floorboards in the bedroom creak and I know that Elle must be up now.

“Morning,” I greet her.

“Is it still morning?” She asks with a laugh, and I grin.


“I’ve never slept that late in my life,” she says as she takes a seat at the table.

“You’ve had a busy few days.”

I take the pancake out of the pan, add it to the stack ,and carry everything over to the table.

“Hungry?” I ask her, and she nods.