Page 62 of Soldier of Death

There’s a pause. “I’ve still got a few ideas. I’ll be in touch.”

“If you find her, let me know ASAP.”

“Will do.”

I’m pulling in back of the club when Liam calls. “I think I’ve found her. That stupid ass has her at his place.”

“What?” That makes no sense. “Do you suppose he’s operating on his own? Without Tiberius’s knowledge?”

“Who knows? That guy is several cards short of a deck.”

“Extract her. Put her somewhere safe. Where’s her father in this?”

“I haven’t updated him.”

“Don’t. Keep as much of this to yourself as you can. Perhaps let her know that it’s in her best interest to forget who took her and why.”

“I can try.”

“Call me when it’s done.” The line goes dead. I sit for a moment, gathering my thoughts. I need to be hyper alert if Romeo is lurking. If this is about Elena’s friend, I hope to have the upper hand at any time.

I step out of my SUV, looking around. A few of my men nod to me and I nod back.

Donovan opens the back door and steps out to me. “That motherfucker is in the club. He’s got mush for brains but balls the size of Everest.”

“That’s not a good combo.”

“He’ll eventually end up dead, for sure.” Donovan holds the door as I walk into the club. The baseline of music thumps hard,reverberating through my chest. I don’t like loud. It’s too hard to hear danger. But it’s a club. Its patrons expect deafening music.

“He’s in VIP. He’s been searched. He didn’t try to bring anything in,” Donovan says loudly to be heard over the pounding music.

I search the club as I make my way to the VIP area. Just because Romeo isn’t packing a weapon, doesn’t mean someone else who works for him isn’t.

In the VIP area, I find Romeo with a woman in his lap. When he sees me, he sneers and pushes her away.

“I hope you bought her drink. It’s the least she deserves for having you paw at her.” I take a seat across from him while Donovan lingers back. I know he’s watching for trouble.

“Mr. Leone, your usual?” a server asks.

“Yes. One for my guest too. You’re alright with scotch, aren’t you?” When the server leaves, I say, “Are you looking to change sides, or do you have a death wish?”

“You took something that’s mine. I want it back.”

I feign thinking about it even though I know he’s talking about Elena. "Is that so?" I lean back, crossing one leg over the other. "I can’t imagine what that is.”

The server brings two scotches and sets them in front of us.

“Cut the bullshit. You stole my wife.”

I laugh. “Your fiancée, and I have to say, Romeo, she didn’t fight me very hard when I took her. I get the feeling she wasn’t looking forward to wedded bliss with you.”

“Fuck off, Leone.”

“This is my club.” I sip my drink and then lean forward, getting annoyed by the situation. “You’d be wise to respect me in my own establishment.”

He sneers. “Until my father takes it from you.”

I sit back. “He can try.”