Page 63 of Soldier of Death

Romeo watches me for a moment. His sneer relaxes, and I know he’s about to change tactics. “I’m feeling generous. I’m proposing an exchange.”

I laugh. “I can’t imagine what you have that I’d want.”

“Elena’s friend.”

I shrug. “Don’t know her.”

“She’s Doug Emerson’s daughter.”

I whistle. “Kidnapped the police chief’s daughter. You do have balls, Abate. Why not keep her? Use her to your advantage."

"Because she's not what I want." His eyes narrow, a hint of impatience coloring his tone. "I want what's mine, Leone."

"Ah." I let out a low chuckle, stalling as I wait for Liam's call and thinking what to do if the call doesn’t come in time. “Why? What’s so special about her?” I glance at Donovan, making sure there’s nothing going on I need to be concerned about. I’m not sure this isn’t some sort of trick on Romeo’s part. I can see his father sending him to the lion’s den as part of a plan to take me out.

“She’s mine.”

I give him a sympathetic look. "Let's not pretend Elena is the same innocent flower who stood at the altar, shall we?" I smile full of smugness. "She's changed."

Romeo's jaw tightens, his eyes flaring with the kind of anger that speaks more of wounded pride than concern for the woman he claims is his.

"Since when do you care about her, anyway? There has to be other ways for Fiori to settle his debts with your father."

Romeo’s eyes flash with surprise before he schools his expression back to a sneer. "No one walks into my place and takes what's mine."

"Your 'place' seems to be a matter of perspective." I tap a finger against the glass, willing Liam to call me. "Andpossessions… well, they have a way of slipping through the fingers if you don’t adequately protect them."

“You think you’re fucking invincible, but you’re not, Leone.”

His comment has me on edge thinking there’s something else going on here. But I don’t want him to know his words impact me, so I shrug. “If you’re looking for love ever after, perhaps your daddy can find you another one. Or perhaps consider not brutalizing or killing the women in your life. That can put a damper on a relationship.”

“What do you know about women?”

“I know they’re more enjoyable to fuck when they’re alive.”

“I should kill you.”

“Funny. I was thinking the same about you.” My gaze doesn't waver from his, daring him to make a move. We sit silent, tense, as the dance of wills goes on.

My phone shatters the silence. Without breaking eye contact, I bring my phone to my ear. “Yes.”

"Good news." Liam’s voice sends relief through me. “He really was dumb enough to keep the girl at his own place. The one in his daddy’s building. We faked a fire emergency, and she's out. Safe and sound."

I’m an expert at poker faces, but I can’t stop the smirk that slides across my face. “Excellent. Thank you.” I end the call and rise from my chair, ready to end this meeting. "Seems your grip isn't as tight as you thought, Romeo.” I down the last of my drink and button my coat. "No deal."

His face contorts. “I’ll get her back, Leone, and when I do, I’ll rip her to shreds.”

A red haze consumes me. In an instant, I’ve grabbed him, hauled him from his chair, and pinned him to the wall. In the dim, loud club, no one notices.

“You touch her, and I’ll cut your dick off one inch at a time and make you eat it.”

I’ve caught him off guard, but his composure returns when I release him.

“Get the fuck out of my club.”

“This isn’t over.” He points a finger at me until his phone rings.

“Does he know we could pop him now and get rid of him, never to be found?” Donovan asks in the corner.