Page 18 of See Me After Class


Called it, I thought triumphantly, smirking slightly as the woman in front of me stared at me with bedroom eyes.

"Fuck me," she said, begging for it like I knew she would.

I wouldn't be a dick about admitting this, though. I had thought this one would take more time. Before coming to her room, I'd mentally prepared myself for a longer courtship before I got her to submit.

Years of wooing women turn you into a pro at closet hiding, pipe-sliding, and dodging well-aimed flying shoes. With a target like D.C. Davenport, or Dr. Davenport, or whatever alias she fancied, a bit of caution wasn't the worst thing. It didn't mean I'd back off.

I just told myself that's all it'd be.

Your self-deception is as thin as her excuses, Vincenzo.

Oh, shut up,I told the annoying voice inside my head.I got this.

My thoughts scattered as Dr. Davenport wrapped her slender arms around my neck and pulled me to her. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you're very eager for someone who told the floor matron you were doing everything possible to get rid of me," I remarked casually.

"I meant it," she answered point-blankly. "At least at the time."

"Why? And why this, then?"

She grimaced. "You talk too much, Leon Vincenzo. I thought you were a man of actions, not words."

I smiled slightly. "Maybe I want to see what's on offer."

She loosened her grip on my shoulders and pulled back, questions burning in the intense light of her irises. "Is that so?"

I waited to see what else she would say. She dropped her hands to the sides of her waist, never letting her eyes move from mine. Her fingers moved to the buttons on her silk shirt.

"This is what's on offer," she said in a voice that could have been draped in velvet. She undid the first button slowly, batting her ridiculously long eyelashes at me.

"I have no qualms about what I want," she continued, licking her lips as her fingers moved downward. "I want you to fuck me until I say I'm done. Nothing more or less."


My heart skipped a beat. It had done that before, years back, when I had almost courted death. Was that what I was doing once more?

I had missed out on one of those supposedly life-changing, near-death experiences you are supposed to have when you're within arm's length of shaking hands with the Grim Reaper. Pity, because it could have made me a pretty good motivational speaker.

My eyes unfocused, but not for long. The woman in front of me had undone her entire shirt, and now, she was peeling it off her long arms. She didn't stop until she had cast it aside on the sparse rug at her feet.

She frightens you, Leon.

That was the bland truth. How did you handle a woman so entirely sure about herself? She spoke like she was utterly and inexplicably aware of the world and her place in it. What the hell was I to do with that? It left little room for manipulation.

"Are you planning to pull a Sharon Stone fromBasic Instincton me?" I asked her, keeping my tone casual. Inside, I burned to know what her pussy tasted like.

She bared her teeth in an almost feral grin. "Maybe. We haven't had too many interesting headlines in the news of late, have you noticed?"

"Ah." I snorted, actually wondering if my name would feature in the headlines tomorrow. "That'd be some way to die."

She frightened me. That was the truth of it. Hell, I didn't even need to do the mandatory dinner and talk where I usually convinced women I was their escape from whatever miseries they thought they had to contend with.

But here she was, ready to fuck my brains out without my doing anything. It was sort of embarrassing.

She sat down on the lone chair in the room. She had conveniently turned it so it faced me. Her legs parted to reveal a hint of black lace.