Page 19 of See Me After Class

I smiled. "You present a winning case, Dr. Davenport."

She purred.

I walked over and sat down in front of the chair, folding my legs on the rough carpet.

My fingers gently glided down her arm, and a vivid tableau of mock headlines danced through my mind. I watched eachgoosebump rise in delicate response, like tiny pearls of intrigue surfacing on her skin, alive and flushed under my touch.

Prominent Surgeon FoundDead in Junior Staffer's Room. Femme Fatale at Large?

Leon Vincenzo Finally Fucks his Way to Death.

Connecticut Casanova Murdered with an Ice Pick, Lover Removes the Penis.

A sudden realization hit me—I was curious about her, pathetically so. Viktor's words about not whoring myself out flashed in my mind. "Well, fuck me," I muttered under my breath. It was a bleak thought, taking life cues from Viktor, a man more intimate with his work than any woman.

The last time Viktor had probably felt a woman's touch? Must've been a fluke back in the nineties.

"I'm trying to," she replied, a touch annoyed. "But you're very slow. I have a lot of studying to do, so can we get on with this?"

I made a mock gesture of being stabbed in the chest.

"So, Leon Vincenzo," she intoned. I noticed how sweet her voice sounded, even though she kept her face completely bereft of any and all emotions. "What gets you going? Perhaps a little show and tell?"

She undid the remaining buttons on the stark white shirt and pulled the folds aside just enough to give me a glimpse of her perfect breasts, rounded and pink. My mouth watered.

I touched the bare flesh of her thigh, taking pleasure in the immediate goosebumps. "Who are you, D. C. Davenport?"

The tips of her shoulders stiffened. "You know who I am," she replied perfunctorily.

"I don't know what to call you. Unless you'd like me to refer to you as Dr. Davenport when I fuck you."

A shadow of a smile appeared on those thin lips.

Ha,I exulted.It smiles!

"You can call me Dessie," she breathed as I took her hands and brought her down to the carpet. She didn't resist.

Her muscles tightened as I spread a trail of kisses, beginning in the warm shell of her ear to the slope of her collarbone. She squirmed slightly.

I rolled the name on my tongue. "Dessie."

"Don't get used to it," she murmured as my head moved downward to the perfectly rounded mounds of her breasts. "It's something my friends call me."

"I agree," I replied huskily. "We can be a lot of things, Dessie, but we can never be friends."

Dessie's hands dropped to my shoulders, forcing me to look up and into the shadowed depths of her irises.

"Listen closely," she hissed, her breath ragged with impatience. "Time isn't a luxury I possess. If the intent was to play the courtship game, believe me, I wouldn't be standing here, bare and exposed."

"I'm still fully clothed," I retorted, a smirk playing on my lips as I savored her mounting irritation. "Perhaps I prefer a slower pace. Does that irk you?"

Her lips pressed into a razor-thin line, a tinge of annoyance in her eyes. "Must you always fill the air with your words?"

In a swift, fluid motion, she lunged, pushing me down on the carpet. Her curly black hair cascaded around her like a wild storm as she forcefully brushed my hands aside. I found myself reclining on the coarse fabric, propped on my elbows, under her intense gaze. She straddled me, her demeanor that of a victorious empress.

"Don't complicate this," she commanded as if reprimanding a mischievous child. Her skin shimmered in stark contrast to the harsh, unflattering fluorescent light of the room. "I'm not going to spank you."

She paused, a devilish glint in her eye. "Unless, of course, that's what you desire."