Page 42 of Tat

“It’s listed on theNational Register of Historic Places. It’s in a trapezoid form and was surrounded by a small ditch or moat that held water, but with all the flooding, it’s almost all underwater now. According to this, it’s almost completely in ruins. It doesn’t sound like it could be our place,” said Code.

“I think it is,” said Marcel. “I cannot tell you why, mon frères, but I feel it in my bones. Or what were once my bones.”

“Well, it says that the island was once under the command of Captain Jean Lafitte.”

“That’s it!” yelled Marcel. “That’s why it felt familiar to me. Lafitte held me there for four days because he was angry over a woman.”

“Story for another day,” smirked Gaspar. “Go on, Code.”

“The fort was built after they kicked out all the pirates.”

“Lafitte was pissed about that,” nodded Marcel. The others could only smirk, shaking their heads.

“Forced to leave the island in 1814 so the U.S. government could build a coastal defense fort. It was designed to prevent naval attacks coming from the south of New Orleans. There’s a lot of information about a lighthouse that was added. It was used for Confederate soldiers, that kind of thing, but all the cannons and ammunition were removed. It says it’s in complete decay,” said Code.

“It doesn’t matter. We’re checking it out,” said Nine.

As they rounded the curve of the bayou, in the distance, they could see the crumbling brick walls of the old fort. But what caught their eyes more than anything were the pieces of modern communication equipment on the ramparts.

“I think we might have hit the jackpot,” said Gaspar.

“She’s not cooperating!” he yelled.

“Dr. Shaw, I’m done with this,” said the young student. “She’s not afraid of anything else, and all you’re doing is making her think of the rat as a pet. I’m leaving. I’m done with this.”

“You are not leaving! If you leave, I will destroy your future.”

“My future is already destroyed thanks to you. I’ll never get back into grad school, and I’ll never get a job in this field. I’m done. I’m going home to work in my parents’ carpet store.”

“No! No!” he screamed, pacing back and forth, pulling on his hair.

The young man left, walking out to the small skiff where he would row his way to the mainland, a short distance away, and go home. As he started to row, he heard the faint sounds of engines. He debated on whether or not to go back inside and get Dr. Shaw, but apparently, he’d heard the same thing that he did.

“Wait! I’m coming with you!”

He thought about leaving the man, but he practically leaped into the skiff, yelling at him to row faster.

“Right there,” said Gabe. “An outside stairwell that will take us up to the ramparts.”

The boats were docked alongside the ancient fort, their tethers tied to anything solid, which wasn’t much. With their weapons drawn, the men made their way to the top, walking along the ramparts above the fort. Immediately, they could see what had been done.

Below them, in the center of the fort, were several makeshift rooms that had been erected on the only apparent solid ground. For roofs, there was tinted plexiglass. Some rooms had slivers of windows. Others, nothing.

Baptiste pointed to the stairwells at the corners, nodding as they moved slowly down the crumbling structure. At the bottom, the water was only at their ankles but was slippery and could be deeper in other parts.

With care, they opened each door, looking inside to see if anyone was inside. Finally, they opened one, and someone spoke.

“You can forget it,” said the female voice. “You’re not getting him back. I kind of like my rat now, so take your sick twisted games and go fuck yourself.”

“I like your style, kid,” smirked Ghost. “I sure as fuck hope your name is Christina.”

The girl was squinting, the light nearly blinding her after being in the dark for so long. She held a small brown rat in her hands, gently rubbing his fur between his ears.

“Wh-who are you?” she asked.

“Are you Christina?” asked Ghost again.

“Yes. I’m Christina.”