Page 41 of Tat

“Your brother?”

“My son,” he said with a sad expression. “He is my son. I haven’t seen him since he resigned. I lost my wife years ago, so Bob is all I have. He’s a temperamental man. Quick bursts of anger, he disappears for a while, and then he comes back. I’ve let him be him, and now I realize how wrong that was.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Shaw,” said Riley. “I know this must be difficult for you, but does your son have any diagnosed psychosis? Depression? Paranoia?”

“All of it,” said Dr. Shaw. “The only way he was able to work here was that he was under my guidance, and I made sure that he didn’t get too far off the rails.”

“What about these graduate students that went with him?” asked Angel.

“Bob is very good at convincing people of his ideas. He’s quite theatrical, making those around him think that whatever he’s saying is the best thing in the whole world. Both of the graduate students were good kids but a little lost as well. I heard that recently, one of them was killed in a car accident.”

“That’s right,” said Luc. “He was killed after dumping a teenager into a ditch, tied in a sack, his hands secured, and upside down after the rain.”

“Oh, my God,” he whispered.

“Dr. Shaw, I need for you to think hard on this. Where could your son be holding these kids? We think he only has one right now, a girl. But we have to find her before it’s too late. We have to stop him.”

“I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head. “We’re not from the area originally, but Bob has always been a resourceful kid his entire life. I think that’s why he chose those grad students.”

“Dr. Shaw, I hate to have to say this, but if you’re hiding your son, and I find out…” Angel stared at the man.

“Believe me. I’m not hiding anyone. I’m tired. Angel, is it?” Angel nodded. “I’m tired. I’ve been trying to keep my son under control for a long, long time. Too long. It’s exhausting. He wants to do this because he wants to be famous. He wants to prove that he’s as great as Freud or Jung. I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry.” He shook his head, lowering his chin to his chest.

“We’ll try to bring him back safely, Dr. Shaw, but we can’t guarantee that,” said Luc. “We’re going to find him, and we’re going to save that girl.”

“As you should,” he said, standing from the stool. “Dr. Neill, if you should need help with these kids who have suffered under my son’s hand, please let me know, and I’d be happy to help them.”

“I appreciate that, Dr. Shaw. I’ll let our team know of your willingness to help.”

They left Dr. Shaw sitting in his office, tossing papers into the garbage bin, shoving books onto an already crowded shelf. He seemed defeated, almost in pain.

“What do you think, Riley?” asked Luc.

“I think he was telling the truth. I think he believed that he could control his son if they were working together, but he never thought he’d get this out of control. At least now, we have a name to go with.” Angel nodded his head.

“Let’s find this nut job.”


“Which one was that again?” asked Antoine.

“Fort Jackson,” frowned Gaspar. “We’re gonna head to Fort Livingston now. It’s down by Grand Isle, so it’ll take a hot minute.”

The two boats whisked through the waterways and bayous, loaded with men on a mission. Nothing was going to stop them. Not if they could help it.

“Where are we?” asked Marcel.

“Shit!” jumped Ghost. “You scared the hell out of me. I thought you couldn’t leave Robicheaux land or your wreckage?”

“I thought the same. Perhaps this belonged to us at one time,” shrugged Marcel. “This is all very familiar to me. It feels very familiar.”

“We’re nearing Grand Isle and Fort Livingston,” said Nine.

“Fort Livingston,” repeated Marcel in a whisper. “What do we know of this place?” Code turned to the men, ensuring comms were on for the men in the other boat to hear him.

“According to the historical society for Louisiana, Fort Livingstonwas a 19th-century coastal defensefort. It was named afterEdward Livingston,who was once the Mayor of New York City, then became a U.S. Senator from Louisiana andU.S. Secretary of Stateunder PresidentAndrew Jackson.”

“This is sounding familiar,” frowned Marcel.