Page 112 of Darkest Desires

“I just wouldn’t like knowing he’s alive.”

“I was so close to killing him, you have no idea,” Reign admitted.

I glanced at him, noticing how tired he looked. He’d been through a lot lately, and losing Lizzie had cut him deep. As much as Tye and I adored her, Reign loved her differently from us. She was his person. His soulmate.

“Are you going to contact Lizzie?” Tye asked Reign, reading my mind.

Reign stared blankly ahead before he sighed. “Too much has gone on. Elizabeth didn’t trust me; I didn’t trust her...I don’t know if we can come back from that, you know? Plus, she deserves a fresh start — away from all this crap.”


As much as I liked being as free as a bird, I hated the idea of those two not being together.

“I’m going to bed,” Reign said, fighting a yawn. “I’ll catch you guys later.”

We remained silent until he was safely upstairs, the floorboards creaking as he made his way to his room.

“Well, that’s shit,” Tye said, crossing his arms.

“He could be right, though. Lizzie could need the space and time away from everything.” I chewed on my cheek and sighed. “Let her have that. You never know; they may reach out to each other.”

Tye looked troubled, but he nodded his agreement. “I’ll give them three months.”

“Then we intervene?” I checked, tilting my head.

Tye was such a romantic. I loved it about him.

“One hundred per cent,” Tye said, winking at me. “You’ll have to distract me until then.”

I could do that.



I smiled patiently at the woman who scrutinised her reflection, umming and ahhing over the dress she wore. It was too tight for her, and when I tried offering her the bigger size, she bit my head off.

I hated working in retail. But beggars couldn’t be choosers, and it was only day two. But leaving the office had been the best decision I’d made in a long time. Michelle had kindly sent me my iPad, laptop, and diary, which I’d left when Alexander took me to his house.

I shuddered at the thought of him. The police said he was fit to stand trial, and I couldn’t wait to testify against him. Hopefully, I wouldn’t be the only one.

“The thing is, babe,” the woman said, interrupting my thoughts. “I think this shows off my curves.”

I wouldn’t answer her; she disliked honesty, and I liked getting paid.

“You look great,” I said, sighing with relief as she headed back into the changing rooms with a grin.

Gazing out the shop window, my eyes fell on two guys at the ice cream parlour opposite. My heart thudded as I studied them, the trickle of familiarity making my hair stand on end.



My eyes skimmed the area for Reign, but I knew he wasn’t there.

I hadn’t heard a thing from Reign other than to tell me AJ wouldn’t bother me again.

I had to admit I was curious about that — Did Reign go and see him?