Page 111 of Darkest Desires

God, I like the sound of that.


If I ever wanted a relationship, it would be with Tye. He was so relaxed and calm; he was the yin to my yang. Hegotme, too, in a way other people didn’t. We sat across from each other, forking omelettes into our mouths as we listened to Reign.

“So Elizabeth left.”

Tye put his fork down, frowning at Reign. “Are you serious? She has my truck!”

I snorted with laughter as Reign glared at him, spinning his phone beneath his fingers on the table.

“I’m kidding.” Tye grinned, winking at me. “So what happened?”

God, he’s gorgeous.

My eyes drank in his muscled form as he ate, catching my eye occasionally.

Reign sighed, groaning as he rubbed his temples.

Uh oh.

Tye and I exchanged a look as Reign told us what happened, leaving us both stunned.

“You beat AJ?” I said, impressed.

Tye shot me a glare, and I swallowed.


“He killed Alannah on purpose?” Tye asked gruffly, shaking his head.

Reign nodded, finally releasing his phone. “And that fucker did unimaginable things to Elizabeth when she was out of it. The police have his drive, so it’ll all come out. Everything he has done.”

I didn’t like that thought one bit. Unfortunately, not all cops were decent.

“Does Lizzie know what he did?”

Reign clenched his jaw.

“No. I have the flash drive, but AJ had it on his drive. I didn’t get a chance to delete it.”

Tye groaned, leaning back in his chair as Reign cleared his throat.

“I’m going to destroy it. I won’t tell Lizzie about it, and if the police tell her about the original, we’ll protect her the best we can.”

I was furious. The thought of AJ touching our girl like that made me want to hunt him down and finish what Reign started.

“Is he alive then?” I growled, shoving my plate away.

Suddenly, I’d lost my appetite and post-sex glow.

“Barely. AJ broke his neck in the fall, but the cops said he’ll live.”

I nodded, staring past Tye out the window.

“Lizzie won’t feel safe with him around,” Tye said slowly, meeting my eyes.

I blinked back at him, frowning. “AJ's going to be sent down; how can he bother her?” I pointed out as Tye shrugs.