Page 81 of Darkest Desires

No sign of him.

I breathed my relief and headed into the office, forcing a smile for Michelle when I saw the office was empty.

Where was Michelle?

It didn’t matter— I had to get my stuff and leave. I’d text Michelle or call her; right now, my priority was leaving. I spotted a plastic bag by the coat rack and filled it with my laptop, iPad, and diary before hunting through the drawers for my certificates. Where were they? I was sure I left them here—

“Oh, I meant to ask—how are things with you and Reign? Are you an item, or is he still as commitment-phobic as ever?”

Oh, fuck. Alexander is here.

The emphasis on the word ‘things’ tells me he knew more than I did about Reign’s noncommittal attitude.

But how?

How well does Alexander know Reign?

I continued rooting through the drawers, sighing with relief when I found my certificates. I shove them into the bag before slamming the drawer shut—anything else can stay here. I fixed Alexander with a disgusted glare and straightened up.

“That’s none of your concern.”

Alexander James watched me, a smile spreading slowly across his face.

“Hmm. Elizabeth? How well do you know Reign?”

“Fuck you.”

His smile disappeared. “Now, now, be polite. You want a reference, don’t you?”

I shrugged, crossing my arms. “I don’t give a fuck. You and I know Reign will give me a job whether you give me one or not.”

We glared at one another until he relented and ran a hand through his hair.

“Let me explain about Reign and me before you leave. A way of an apology, if you will.”

The words surprised me. Not because he wanted to give me something but because that’s all he’d asked for so far.

“No thanks,” I said hotly.

“Elizabeth,” Alexander James sighed my name in a way that only he could.

There was nothing he could say now—

“Don’t you want to know what happened all those years ago? To Reign?”

I sucked in a breath, forgetting to release it for so long that I got dizzy. “How would I know you’re telling the truth?” I asked, hating the desperation in my voice.

“I have the reports.”


My eyes bugged, and he grinned.

“What reports?”

Alexander crossed over to me, placing his hands gently on my shoulders. I recoiled, stepping back and glaring at him.

“If you leave now, you’ll never know,” he said with a smirk.