Page 82 of Darkest Desires

I bit my lip. I wanted to know more about Reign and Alexander, but at what cost? What did he want to give me anyway? I watched him cross over to his office, rummaging in his desk drawers before muttering something.

“How long will this take?” I asked, reaching for my bag.

I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Impatient little madam, aren’t you?” Alexander James walked back to me, his hands clasped behind his back. “Shall we go somewhere more public for a drink?”

I stepped back, meeting his gaze head-on. “I don’t think so.”

Alexander James shrugs. “You said I abused you, Elizabeth. I’m trying to make you feel more comfortable.”

“I don’t believe you—You’re a sadist.”

“Sticks and stones, Elizabeth.”

I studied his playful gaze and the way his eyes widened.

“Here or out somewhere in public?” Alexander asked.

“How do I know you won’t do something to me?” I demanded as he huffed.

“Jesus, Elizabeth, I’m offering you the information you want. Information Reign won’t tell you. Ever. Trust me.”

I didn’t trust him.

“I can tell you about Reign, and you can go.”

The bastard knew something about Reign, and my gut told me he wasn’t lying. As much as I hated him, I wanted to know. I’d asked Reign, and he’d never once answered me… I heaved a sigh and nodded.

“Somewhere public.”

“After you,” Alexander said, waving a hand before him towards the elevators.

“Fine,” I said. I frowned, hating how uneasy I felt about getting in an elevator with him, when suddenly something was held over my nose and mouth, and the pungent stench of chemicals rushed to my head.

Then, darkness.



The urge to call Elizabeth was stronger than ever before; borderline commanding, almost.

Like she is in trouble.

But that was probably my guilty conscience for leaving her. Plus, she had Tye and Zeus, right?

Settling into the chair on the porch of my cabin, I inhaled a lungful of the crisp, clean air.

The lake glittered ahead of me, inviting me in. But it was too cold. I wasn’t distracted by its beauty.

I wished Elizabeth could see this; she would love it. I could imagine her curled up in my arms, snuggling against my neck as I stroked her back.


Sipping the beer in my hand, I attempted to focus on the beautiful surroundings and not Elizabeth.

An eagle glided through the air above, and I watched, entranced, as it swooped down toward the mountains, only to rise again shortly after.