Page 70 of Dr. Brandt

“You’ll always be my Jessa,” I said with more confidence than I’d displayed a second ago. “Always.”

She faintly smiled in return, which made me nervous. Did that statement make her uncomfortable? Jesus. What was wrong with me? I was anxious, vulnerable, and insecure. I needed to pull myself together. There were way too many thoughts floating around my skull about right and wrong, and I didn’t operate in these gray areas.

“That’s good to know,” she said.

Every ounce of nervous energy in my system faded when she spoke.

Okay, there’s some balance here. Let’s go with that.

The crisp, cool air cracked with the energy that suddenly radiated between us. I had no idea what’d changed with Jessa’s attitude, and I didn’t want to jinx anything by asking.

“Was there a change in your plans?” I questioned, wondering what brought her out here.

“Yeah,” she smiled, that cute smile I remembered from long ago. “My plans to not give you a second chance have changed.”

Was not expecting that. At all.

I had no idea what my expression was because I was numb with shock everywhere but my dick.

She chuckled as if she read my mind, and I was face-to-face with the boldest, most confident, and charming woman I’d ever met.

“You are so beautiful,” I said, leaning against the rail, trying to pull my shit together.

She rolled her eyes because anyone who knew me knew that was cheesy as fuck.

“And you’re so handsome.”

“Are you coming on to me?”


Her chin lifted, and she had a look that teased every nerve in my body. I was at her mercy, and it seemed she knew it.

“Let me guess, the whales were getting a little wild out there, and it reminded you of better times with me?”

Still cheesy, but at least I sound more like myself.

“Oh,” she gave a goofy look, “that’s exactly what happened.”

I laughed. “Listen, I meant what I said yesterday on the beach, but I need to tell you that I know I don’t deserve everything I proposed to you. The family, the happiness, all that. It was foolish of me even to consider you’d give me another opportunity when I took you for granted the first time.”

“Thank you for saying that, and thank you for not pressuring me,” she said, turning to lean on the rail of the ship as I’d done. “We were young then and so dumb,” she laughed and shook her head, “but we did start a life together that we didn’t get to finish.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, knowing what she was saying but needing to hear it spelled out.

“I want to give it a shot and see what’s possible between us.” She turned and looked at where I stood in shock, staring down at the wind blowing through her hair. “Slowly, though. I guess I’m trying to say that I’m sorry I pushed you away so quickly. I just wasn’t expecting you to say anything like you did, and it took me by surprise. It scared me.”

“When has the fearless Jessica Stein ever been afraid of anything?” I smiled and felt the barrier drop between us.

I stepped closer to her and moved a strand of hair from her neck, letting my fingertips gently caress along her décolletage. I’d give anything to have my lips running along this warmth of her skin, to taste the sweet fragrance of her perfume.

Slow the fuck down, Cam.

Jessa’s eyes never left mine, and I could see how different a woman she was from when I knew her in college. The woman who stood before me now shook me to my core. I felt her confidence and beauty, and my desire for her rose with every breath I took.

“I never stopped loving you,” I said in a low voice.

Before she could answer and I could make the next move, the wind picked up and blew the moisture from the rain onto the balcony of the yacht where we stood.