The line clicked off, and I collapsed back onto the sofa. I squeezed my eyes shut, beyond tired. Alessia and I had just scaled the biggest hurdle of our relationship. While it had come with a lot of drama and violence - as she had feared - it was behind us now. For the first time since she called me all those weeks ago, I had hoped for something more.

I also did not know what to do with myself without a job to go to. It had been the centerpiece of my life for so many years, and now that it was gone, I had no idea what to do with myself. I trusted my father to run Gates Conglomerate like a captain in my absence. Heck, he had built the damned thing himself from scratch.

I was also sure he would not be as lenient with Thale as I had been. I allowed myself to have a small laugh as I pictured Father calling him to inform him of the recent development. I waited patiently for Thale’s call and the endless barrage of choice expletives he would send my way.

I got up from the sofa, chuckling slightly to myself, and headed back upstairs to be with Alessia. The effects of the tea were clear. She was watching TV, but her eyes looked heavy. I knew it was only a matter of time before she succumbed to sleep. The longer she slept, the better for everyone.

She set the half-eaten bag of chips in the drawer as I sat beside her. “Where did you go?” she asked, placing her head on my lap.

“Had to make some calls,” I said. “Actually, one call. The doctor. I did not have time to thank him before he left.”

“Ah… the funny-looking man in the bathrobe?”

I laughed again, shaking my head. “Well, I do not know what you mean by funny-looking, but yes, he had a bathrobe on. He is my long-time physician and lives some floors down in this same building.”

“Oh, I see…” Alessia said. “Well, send my heartfelt gratitude the next time you see him?”

“I will.”

Alessia sighed deeply, shutting her eyes as I gently stroked her hair. She held me tight, drawing closer, though I didn't know what she was thinking. I was just glad to be beside her, knowing she needed me.

We sat in silence for a long time, but I didn't mind. I cherished every moment with Alessia and was excited to learn more about her now that I could spend real time together, with my work passed to my father. Our future seemed more possible without her family's objections.

I leaned down and kissed her forehead gently; then, I kissed the back of her hand. The blue light of the TV washed over her, making her look otherworldly; she was a true beauty. No matter how many times I saw her, her beauty still struck me like a thunderbolt in a storm.

“I never really knew my mother,” Alessia said suddenly, shocking me.

Asking about her mother was a conversation I'd hoped to have later, once the earlier madness faded. I never expected Alessia to mention it herself. Given how private she was, I assumed it would take time before she opened up about that loss. To be sure I understood, I probed further.

“What was that?” I asked cautiously.

“My mother,” she said again, sitting up in bed. “I said that I never really knew her.” I remained quiet, not wanting to ruin this for her or make it more difficult by asking questions or interrupting her. The silence stretched for a few seconds before she spoke again.

“I was five when she died,” Alessia continued. “I don’t really know much of what happened that day, as I was asleep for most of it. I don’t really remember since I was so young, but they kidnapped Mom and I . She had taken me out, and a man was hiding in the back seat when she got back in her car. He had her drive somewhere. I don’t know if he wanted a ransom or not, but I guess Mom put up too much of a fight because he killed her.”

I took a shaky breath, my mind reeling. A lot of things suddenly made sense, including her father and brother’s warped idea of protection.

"All I remember is how hard Dad cried. Now that I’m older, of course, I know more of the story, like how he had reported to the police what a neighbor had said, thinking it was some juicy gossip.” She rolled her eyes, but I could see the sadness inside.

“Dad trusted Mom too much, so he believed she was in real danger. He was right, but it took throwing his weight and money around to get the police to look. After that, he kind of stopped caring and instead used his money to hire bodyguards, who soon became his henchmen to help scare off boys who approached me.”

Alessia took a minute to compose herself. Her voice had grown shaky the more she spoke, and I could hear the pain. I squeezed her hand and pulled her in close. I did not have the right words to say, but that did not mean I could not offer comfort and support.

“Many times, I don’t even remember what she looks like,” Alessia said after a long pause. “I feel guilty about admitting it, but it is true. My mother’s death broke my family, Michael.” Alessia’s voice was lower than a whisper. “Everything changed in her absence. I don’t think my brother and father ever truly recovered from the trauma and the loss. It didn’t help that she died in such a gruesome way. My father started drinking more, and Enzo became a shadow of himself.

“The house felt so empty, and it was only a matter of time before Enzo left. I understand now that they tried to protect me in their own way, but they went about it all wrong. Sometimes, when I think about it, I come to the conclusion that they forgot how to love. To be honest, I think we all did.”

She turned to look at me, placing a hand on my jaw. “That was until I met you, though. You taught me how to love again, and thank you for it. I love you, Michael. Thank you for healing me.”

I stared into her green eyes, stunned into silence. Alessia had said she loved me earlier when she ripped into her brother and father, but I thought she said it in the heat of the moment. And now she was saying it again. I had a fear that as much as I loved her; she did not feel the same way about me. Hearing her say she loved me drove those fears away. I held her gaze, feeling my cheeks burn crimson with joy.

“I love you too, Alessia,” I choked out. “I always have, actually. I knew I wanted to be with you from the moment I saw you. Our journey has not been the most comfortable, but I am happy about it. Everything we went through has brought us to this moment. I am thankful for that journey.”

Drawing her forward, I held the back of her neck lightly and kissed her parted lips, tasting cinnamon and salt on her breath. We hadn't been intimate since returning to New York, with Alessia shaken after the visit from Giorgio. It seemed selfish to think about intimacy. Feeling her supple curves now, I remembered how beautiful it felt to be with her.

I did not know how far she would go, so I reined myself in, allowing her to take the lead. It was not the easiest thing in the world to do, as every part of my body wanted nothing more than to take Alessia. I eased onto my side, pulling her close to me. She kissed me passionately, driving the air out of my lungs. I squeezed in air through my nose, but it felt like hard labor. Despite the discomfort, I felt my desire rush along, wanting more.

Alessia broke off the kiss and sat astride me. She took her shirt off, tossing it behind her. She stared at me silently; her face silhouetted by the light from the TV behind her.