“Oh, crap,” Mr. Gates replied. “Did something bad happen?”

“Depends on how you look at it, really,” Michael replied. “It’s definitely good for me, but I am guessing it will be bad for you.”

“Bad for me? Speak up, son; it’s bad form to leave an old man in suspense,” Mr. Gates said.

“I called to inform you I will step away from my role as CEO for a year. I would like to take that time to care for Alessia and be present for our unborn child,” Michael announced.

Mr. Gates said a long string of curses into the phone, and Michael smiled the whole time.

“Fine. That’s as good a reason as any, I suppose. Too bad the price of this decision is my coming out of retirement.” He took a long pause. “This is all your fault, you know? If only you had whipped Thale into shape in time, I would not have to go through this suffering as CEO.”

“Ah… good thing you know what I have been doing. Suffering.”

“Suffering? Who said suffering?” Mr. Gates feigned innocence, eliciting laughter from my brother and father. “You’re really enjoying this… aren’t you?”

“You know I am, Dad. I love you.” Michael clicked off, then raised his head to Enzo to say, “There. Sorted. Any other objections?”

Enzo laughed and shook his head. Michael turned to my father, still smiling pleasantly.

“You have my blessings to take care of Alessia, son,” my father said. “On your shoulder now falls the job of protecting and keeping her safe. I am proud to say that I believe you will excel in that capacity. It felt good to listen to the way you spoke to your father just now. My family used to be like that once. It seems like so long ago, I heard laughter in my home. I will make it a mission to return the laughter to this family.”

My father looked at me and smiled. “Aren’t you happy I didn’t let you pick any of those other men now? You owe me a ‘thank you.’”

The room exploded in laughter, and I finally felt at peace for the first time in years.



Relief flooded through me as I shut the door behind Enzo and his father. I leaned on the door, feeling exhausted. My jaw still felt slack and sore, and I also felt pain in a dozen other places. I winced quietly, enjoying the silence in the house. There had been so much excitement earlier that I was grateful for the emptiness now.

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I put a pot on the kettle to boil, then ransacked the cabinets for snacks and cookies. I made Alessia a calming cinnamon tea that Thale introduced me to some months ago. I stacked the teapot with two mugs on a tray, along with a bag of Alessia’s favorite chips.

Knowing her like I did, I saw no reason to bother feeding her now. She wouldn't be up for a proper meal this soon. Still, I was worried about her. While the incident ended on a somewhat positive note, I knew it had rattled her deeply. I wanted her to know that she was not alone and that I was present with her.

I took the refreshments to my bedroom, where I had taken Alessia earlier to get some much-needed rest. I set the tray on the table and poured two cups. Alessia, who had buried herself under the covers, poked her head out at the sound of clinking chinaware.

She sat up and warmly smiled as I handed her a cup and the bag of chips. “What’s this?” she asked, smelling the tea. “Trying to drug me and have your way with me, I assume? I see you also added my favorite snack to throw me off. Smart.”

I laughed quietly, marveling at her ability to find humor in the worst situation. “It’s cinnamon tea,” I replied. “Thale offered me some when I had difficulty sleeping at night, and it’s been really useful for me. Come on, have some while it’s still hot.”

Alessia eyed the cup critically for a few seconds. Then she shrugged and sipped on the tea. She cocked her head to the side and took a long draught. The whole cup was gone shortly after, and she handed me the cup for a refill. I took the cup, giving her a look that said, “I told you so.” She snorted and waved me away, tearing into her bag of chips.

I returned with the cup and handed it to her. I sat down beside her and put my hand on her lap. Her body still felt hot to the touch, and it worried me. The doctor had told me not to worry about it - all she needed was a long rest with minimal excitement. I planned to provide as much of that as I could.

I realized I didn't notice the doctor leaving - my full attention went to Alessia as soon as she came. "Hey, be right back," I said, getting up from the bed. She shrugged, turning on the TV as I kissed her forehead before heading downstairs.

After a not-too-brief search, I found my phone underneath the cushions of the couch. With how crazy everything had been earlier, I did not bother asking how it got there. I settled into the sofa and rang my doctor.

‘Hey, doc, ” I said when he picked up. “I’m sorry. I did not know when you left earlier.”

“Come on, Mike,” he said. “It’s nothing. You were busy with Alessia, so I helped myself out. It also looked like a big family moment, so I gave you guys the privacy I was sure you needed.”

“You are a good man, Steve. Thank you,” I said. “I mean, you rushed down here in your bathrobe, no questions asked. I appreciate that.”

“Hey, anything for you, Michael. I’m serious,” Doctor Steve said, with an air of finality in his voice. “Gotta go now, running late for work. Let me know if you need anything, okay? ”

“Sure thing, doc,” I replied. “Thanks again.”