Page 63 of Daring Enzo

“Since I didn’t listen and try to change, it got worse. I lost the love of my life. Kelly," my voice holds a sense of reverence for the memories that still linger, both painful and cherished.

Ruben and Laurel lean in, attentive to my words. I did not know I had it in me to hold them so enraptured.

"I loved her immensely," I continue, my voice resonating with genuine affection. "Our bond was undeniable, a flame burned brightly."

"She was the one I thought I'd spend my life with," I admit, the weight of the memories heavy in my heart. Ruben and Laurel's attentive expressions convey their understanding; their eyes are locked on me, absorbing every emotion woven into my words. "Our bond was genuine, but I couldn't hold on to it," I continue, the burden of regret evident in my voice.

"Yet I lost her," I confess, a sharp pang of loss lacing my words.

"And our child," I add, my voice faltering briefly as I relive the anguish. I share with Ruben and Laurel the ache of losing not only the woman I love but also the future we had envisioned. “Now it’s all over.”

"I am so sorry you have to go through this, and I can see you still love her," Ruben says, looking at Laurel.

"Love. I still love her and always will," I reply. I hope he can see what lies at the end of the road if he has not been making any changes.

Laurel looks desperate, as though she might cry. She does not like the bleakness of my story… or the idea this is where she is heading with Ruben.

She loves him.

"Why! If you love her, then why aren’t you doing anything? Why aren’t you fixing things?! If you love each other, can’t you both start afresh?" she all but wails.

I hesitate. The weight of uncertainty is clear in my expression. "I wish I could fix it," I respond, my tone laced with resignation. “But I don't know if it's something we can mend.”

Ruben smiles bitterly, squeezing Laurel’s hand slightly. "It’s too late, isn’t it?"

I nod sadly. "Yeah. I lost myself, and I made mistakes I can't undo."

“No!” Laurel persists. "If she loves you, wouldn't she understand? If you make yourself better, why won’t she take you back? I know I forgive Ruben for his mistake because I love him."

Understanding? Forgiveness? Could it really be simple?

"I don't know if I can fix it," I assert, grappling with the idea. "But maybe... maybe one day, if I'm better, we could start anew.”

“I've been in therapy," I share cautiously. "It's been helping. I feel like I'm making progress, slowly."

Their faces light up with encouragement, a subtle glimmer of hope reflected in their expressions. Therapy feels like a lifeline, I acknowledge. A chance for healing and growth.

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before diving into this delicate conversation. "Guys, I've been watching you two because of the path you're on... it reminds me of the time when I was in a toxic phase."

Ruben's eyebrows knit together, and Laurel looks at the ground. They already pieced it together themselves, but my direct words hurt more, I can see.

"I mean…" I continue, choosing my words cautiously, "The direction you're headed in your relationship is potentially unhealthy. But it's not too late to change course."

Ruben rubs his chin, trying to play it down, but I can see how desperate he is. "So, like, we're at a crossroads?"

"In a way," I affirm, nodding. "But it's more about acknowledging the signs early and being mindful of your choices."

Laurel nods, her expression thoughtful. "Being aware of the path we're taking together."

"Exactly," I confirm, relieved they seem to grasp the importance of my message. "You have the chance to redirect before it's too late."

Ruben frowns. "How much is the therapy thing? I don’t think I can afford it ."

"Well," I nod, understanding his apprehension. "You won’t have to worry about it. Starting next week, there will be a therapist at the center. And it's completely free."

Laurel's eyes light up. "Really? 's amazing!"

This could be their turning point.