I reach out, take Verity’s hand, and pull her towards me, spinning her.
“Now that’s sorted; I think a dance and another couple of drinks are in order,” I hold her tightly against me, making her smile.
“Okay, but first, I need to go and grab my phone. I have the perfect playlist for tonight.” Verity rushes from my arms, heading for the stairs. As she passes Ethan, he slaps her ass, causing her to cry out, smiling.
“Hurry up, I’m making my famous cocktail!” he calls as she disappears from view.
“You know Mum’s going to be furious you called Dawn out like that,” Ryan sighs, leaning against the counter as Ethan walks around to the makeshift bar we have created.
“What the fuck is she going to do about it? She’s in Hawaii after all,” Ethan points out as he examines the bottles.
“What about Verity, though? She could make her life hell from now on. You know what Mum can be like.”
“We will just take her away from the situation. They don’t deserve her, and I don’t plan on living in separate houses for long anyway. Do you?”
My brothers both shake their heads as I rub my face.
“In the next few days, we will sit down, the four of us, and discuss the future. We will work out living arrangements and so on. But for now, I want to concentrate on giving our girl the Christmas she deserves.”
Both of them nod as we hear Verity running back down the stairs. Looking out of the kitchen, I see her messing with the laptop we are playing music through. The music cuts off, and I smile as she starts muttering to herself. I know what’s coming before she shouts.
“Daddy! Fix it!” She drags out the pleading as I walk up behind her, smirking.
“Out the way.”
I step back from my Maximus and lean on my thighs, trying to catch my breath. It feels so good to train hard with someone as physically fit as me. I might be a personal trainer, but it’s difficult to find people to train with when you are the one coaching them.
“You’ve improved in the last week,” Sean laughs as he leans on the ropes. I spit out my gum shield and head over to stand in front of him next to Maximus.
“It’s so good to be training with someone in my weight category. It makes such a difference when they also know how to fight.”
“I think that may be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Donavon,” Maximus laughs beside me as he pulls off his gloves.
“I was talking about Sean.” I jump out of his reach as he swings his fist at me; Sean laughs from the ringside as Maximus starts cursing me under his breath.
“You thought any more about my offer?” Sean asks as I start removing my own gloves.
“I have; there are a few things I need to work out first. I’ll need to talk to my brothers as well. There is a lot up in the air with Verity and stuff at the moment.”
“What’s going on?” Maximus asks, handing me my water bottle.
“We just need to work out living arrangements and stuff. I don’t want to agree to anything until I know where I will be living first.” I take a deep drink of cold water from my bottle as I finally catch my breath.
“If I can give you a piece of advice, it’s this. It’s so much easier if you are all in one house. That way, there is no schedule or pressure on anyone. Let Verity choose who she is with and when; you will all find it’s the easiest option.” Sean holds open the ropes for us as we climb through and head for the showers.
“Seans right; I don’t think we could have the life we do if it were determined by where and when we had Jaz with each of us. She is almost in complete control unless she has done something to piss Christian off. Then he tells her she is sleeping in his bedroom after she has been punished,” Maximus laughs as Sean shakes his head.
“You are just as bad. How many times have you carried her off like a caveman? Shouting you are going to teach her a lesson.”
“She is more of a brat for me than any of you; it’s not my fault I have to discipline her more,” he replies, winking at me as I laugh aloud.
“She’s a brat because your punishments are fun. She’s your brat, and you love her for it,” Sean points out.