“Do you have a key to this house?”

“Of course, your Mum asks me to check in on Verity occasionally. They worry about her being here alone so often,” Dawn smiles sweetly like she has been doing the honourable thing. I know she would have taken great pleasure in lording it over Verity that she could leave her with nothing simply by making a phone call. Dawn thinks she is better than everyone else when she is just a gold digger living off her dead husband's money.

“And to do that, you have to just walk into her personal space? If they were that worried about her, they could spend some time in the country for a change rather than leaving her alone for Christmas,” I point out as I feel my temper getting the better of me. “How often does she come in here like this?” I ask Verity, who starts chewing on her lip and looking at Dawn nervously.

“Not very often. You are making a big deal out.” Dawn starts but stops as I turn my attention to her.

“I don’t remember asking you,” I snap as I turn back to Verity, who looks ready to cry. Fucking Dawn has put me in the worst mood.

“Not often,” she says quietly.

“Do you want to try that again without lying to me?” I ask. Dawn tries to interrupt again, but I hold up a finger to shut her up.

“Every couple of weeks,” Verity answers, looking down at the floor. I turn my attention to Dawn, who looks like she wants to be anywhere but here. “She checks to make sure the house is how Dad and Linda like it and that it's clean and tidy.”

“Is that why it’s more like a show home rather than one that’s lived in?” I ask her. Verity shrugs and looks at Dawn. “Give me the key,” I demand, holding my hand to Dawn.

“What? No. This is not your house. If you don’t like the agreement, take it up with your parents.”

“That man is not my parent,” I snap, as my patience is running thin now. “I will not have Verity living on edge in her own home, worrying about when you will next be round to poke your nose into her business.”

“I am not giving you my key,” Dawn argues.

“Then I will take great pleasure in ordering a locksmith to come around tomorrow to change all the locks.”

“Henry will never agree to pay for that,” Dawn laughs.

“Then it’s a good job. I’m his accountant,” I smirk back as she stops laughing.

“I’m leaving,” Dawn snaps as she turns on her stiletto heels and marches towards the door.

“Just so you know, Dawn, I will be here a lot more, and if you think I’m going to live in a show home, you have another thing coming.” I step forward as my brothers come out of the lounge so she sees they are there too.

“If Verity ever tells us that you have been around, making her feel uncomfortable in her own home, I will get a restraining order out against you to ensure you can never come into this house again. Is that understood?”

“Perfectly,” Dawn snaps as she storms to the front door.

“Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out, Dawn,” Ethan grins as Ryan gives her a little finger wave.

“Your mother will be ashamed when I tell her how you have treated me!” she snaps.

“She should be ashamed of how she and that husband of hers have treated his daughter,” Ryan snaps, stepping forward.

Dawn slams the front door shut behind her, and we all listen in silence to the sound of her car starting and revving down the drive and onto the road.

“She will be straight on the phone to your mum,” Verity sighs beside me. I turn around and pull her towards me so I can cup her face.

“What are they actually going to do? They aren’t here, we are.”

“They will stop my allowance; I need that money,” she starts, but I shake my head.

“You don’t need a thing; you have us now.”

“But if they kick me out.” I can see the panic building in her, and I hate it. I hate Dawn for coming into the house and ruining her evening. I hate my mother for treating Verity this way, as I know this will be her doing. Why have I never seen how badly she treats her stepdaughter before? Mum has always been a shit parent, but this is abuse. But out of everything, I hate Henry for allowing his daughter to feel like this. To be treated like a nuisance rather than a human being. If they didn’t have Verity, who would look after this house for them for free? They owe her far more than she owes them.

“Sweetheart, you have us. No one will ever make you feel uncomfortable again, I won’t allow it. That includes your father. If he wants to cause trouble, let him. You have two daddies and a man-child who will look after you.”

“Hey!” Ethan protests, punching me in the arm, which makes Verity giggle as intended.