“You expecting anyone?” Ethan asks as Verity shakes her head and looks out of the window.

“It’s Dawn. Oh my god, I haven’t cleaned up since we made cookies! I’m going to be in so much trouble.” Verity starts to rush towards the kitchen, but I jump to my feet and stop her.

“You are not going to get into any trouble because I won’t let you,” I whisper as I cup her cheek. “Now, this is what you’re going to do. You are going to take a deep breath, relax and let her in. The guys and I will stay here, and when she asks if you are alone, you will say no. I will come out if she starts to give you a hard time, okay? You will not get into any trouble because you have done nothing wrong. You are entitled to have a life.”

Verity takes a deep breath and nods as she pushes her shoulder back. I press a kiss on her forehead and smile.

“Good girl, we will be right here. Remember, this is your home, not hers.”

Verity walks into the hallway as the guys come and stand by me so we are out of sight.

“I will go out first; you two come out if you hear me say you are here. I want to see how she reacts as I’m calling her out on this bullshit,” I explain as I hear the front door open.

“Dawn. What are you doing here?” I hear Verity ask, her voice wobbles as her anxiety flares. I hate that she feels like this in her own home. Nowhere is safe for her; well, that’s changing now. I’ve never liked Dawn; she is Mum’s best friend and is always looking for the next rich man. She even tried to come onto me once, and I quickly shot her down. I have avoided her at all costs since.

“I was passing and heard the music from the road. Are you having a party?” I hear Dawn ask.

“The music isn’t loud enough to be heard from the road,” Ryan whispers next to me.

“I know,” I answer, trying to hear how Verity answers.

“No, I have a few people over, but it’s not a party,” she replies nervously.

“Well, she’s not lying,” Ethan mutters as Ryan laughs a little too loud. Ethan punches his arm as I shake my head. These two are a little drunk, and it’s showing.

“Oh, Verity. Look at this mess.”

Ethan and Ryan both stop their quiet bickering as Dawn starts trying to upset Verity.

“I was just about to clean it up,” Verity starts, but Dawn cuts her off.

“I don’t want to hear excuses, Verity. You know your parents want this place to be clean and tidy at all times. This is unacceptable. And what’s with all these tacky decorations? Linda will hate what you have done with the place.”

“Fuck this, wait here,” I mutter, storming out of the lounge and heading straight into the kitchen. Dawn is looking down her nose at Verity, whose shoulders have slumped and her head bowed. Verity put her heart and soul into decorating this place, and I, for one, will not stand for Dawn ruining this for her.

“Is there a problem?”

Dawn looks around at me and stares for a moment.

“Travis, what are you doing here? Linda said you would have gone home,” Dawn stutters as I stand beside Verity and place a hand on her back. Letting her know that I’m there. I will see to it that this is taken care of once and for all. No one should be made to feel bad for living in their own home.

“We decided to stay. So, I will ask again, is there a problem?”

Dawn looks flustered for a moment, but it’s Verity who answers.

“She said the kitchen was too messy and my father wouldn’t be happy.”

I look to Dawn with a raised brow.

“All I see is a lived-in home. We were going to get around to tidying up eventually. I don’t see the problem with that.” I frown at Dawn hoping to make her feel as uncomfortable as she was making Verity. “And did I hear something about the decorations? I will have you know I personally love them, and I know Verity put a lot of work into making this place more like a home than my mother ever has.

“What are you even doing here?” I ask as I place my glass on the counter and cross my arms, mimicking how she stood over Verity.

“I was passing and heard the music,” she starts, but I shake my head.

“Passing from where? There is nothing around here, and I know you live on the other side of town, so try again.” I turn to look at Verity before asking the next question. “I didn’t hear anyone knock at the door. You must have good ears to hear it over the music.”

“She didn’t knock; she never does”, Verity answers. I turn back to Dawn, who’s looking nervous.